16:30 |
HK 19.1 |
The ISOLDE facility - Recent radioactive ion beam development — •Alexander Herlert
17:00 |
HK 19.2 |
Developments of dedicated plunger devices for lifetime measurements of excited states in exotic nuclei — •A. Dewald, Th. Pissulla, M. Hackstein, C. Fransen, W. Rother, H. Iwasaki, J. Jolie, K.-O. Zell, A. Gadea, J. J. Valiente Dobón, K. Starosta, W. Korten, A. Görgen, C. A. Ur, and P. Petkov
17:30 |
HK 19.3 |
Monte Carlo simulation tool for the 7Li(p,n) reaction — •Rene Reifarth, Michael Heil, Franz Käppeler, and Ralf Plag
17:45 |
HK 19.4 |
Photon/Neutron Discrimination with Digital Pulse Shape Analysis* — •Bastian Löher, M. Miklavec, N. Pietralla, D. Savran, and M. Vencelj
18:00 |
HK 19.5 |
A cryogenic gas catcher for high energy radioactive ions — •M. Ranjan, P. Dendooven, S. Purushothaman, I. Moore, H. Penttila, A. Saastamoinen, J. Aysto, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, H. Weick, J. Neumayr, P. Thirolf, and A. Popov
18:15 |
HK 19.6 |
A Monolithic Detector Telescope Assembly with Multiplexed Electronic Readout — •Olof Tengblad, Miguel Madurga Flores, Mariano Carmona Gallardo, and Göran Nyman
18:30 |
HK 19.7 |
Fission-fragment timing with poly-crystalline diamond detectors — •Stephan Oberstedt, Ruxandra Borcea, Franz-Josef Hambsch, Andreas Oberstedt, Wouter Geerts, and Marzio Vidali
18:45 |
HK 19.8 |
Development of slowed down beams at GSI. — •Plamen Boutachkov, Fabio Farinon, Magdalena Górska, Jürgen Gerl, Katarzyna Hadynska, Rudo Janik, Ivan Kojouharov, Nikolai A. Kondratyev, Alvarez Marcos A. G., Ivan Mukha, Pawel Napiorkowski, Farheen Naqvi, Chiara Nociforo, Daniel Pietak, Wawrzyniec Prokopowicz, Stephane Pietri, Andrej Prochazka, Henning Schaffner, Peter Strmen, and Helmut Weick