Bochum 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 37: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics II
Dienstag, 17. März 2009, 16:30–19:00, H-ZO 50
16:30 |
HK 37.1 |
Eingeladener Gruppenbericht:
Two-proton radioactivity and nuclear structure — •Marek Pfützner
17:00 |
HK 37.2 |
Spectroscopy in the neighbourhood of 100Sn [*] — •Ch. Hinke, M. Böhmer, K. Eppinger, T. Faestermann, R. Gernhäuser, R. Krücken, and L. Maier
17:30 |
HK 37.3 |
High-energy excited states in 98Cd — •Norbert Braun, Andrey Blazhev, Plamen Boutachkov, Tim Brock, Magda Gorska, Hubert Grawe, Jan Jolie, Zhong Liu, B. S. Nara Singh, Stephane Pietri, and Robert Wadsworth
17:45 |
HK 37.4 |
Sub-barrier Coulomb excitation of 104,102,100Cd — Andreas Ekström, Joakim Cederkall, •Douglas DiJulio, and Claes Fahlander
18:00 |
HK 37.5 |
Comparison of Tz = ± 1 → 0 Gamow-Teller Transitions for the study of Isospin Symmetry in pf-shell nuclei — •Francisco Molina, Yoshitaka Fujita, Berta Rubio, and William Gelletly
18:15 |
HK 37.6 |
New beta-delayed particle emission studies — •Ricardo Domínguez-Reyes, Nassima Adimi, María José García Borge, Beltran Blank, and Luis Mario Fraile
18:30 |
HK 37.7 |
Are spectroscopic factors in mirror states the same? — •Natalia Timofeyuk
18:45 |
HK 37.8 |
the 12C(16O,γ)28Si reaction: structural and statistical aspects of the gamma decay — •dorothee lebhertz, sandrine courtin, florent haas, david jenkins, and david hutcheon