14:00 |
HK 50.1 |
The 12C+12C fusion reactions at astrophysical energies — •Frank Strieder, Hans-Werner Becker, Nicola DeCesare, Antonino Di Leva, Antonio D’Onofrio, Lucio Gialanella, Benedetta Limata, Claus Rolfs, Jeff Schweitzer, Tim Spillane, Oscar Straniero, Filippo Terrasi, and Jim Zickefoose
14:30 |
HK 50.2 |
Elastic Scattering of 7Be and 8B on Pb and Liquid H2 and He Targets — •Shawn Bishop
14:45 |
HK 50.3 |
Strength, decay branching ratios, and angular distribution of the 0.987 MeV resonance in the 14N(p,γ)15O reaction — •Michele Marta, Daniel Bemmerer, Roland Beyer, Carlo Broggini, Antonio Caciolli, Martin Erhard, Zsolt Fülöp, Eckart Grosse, György Gyürky, Roland Hannaske, Arnd Rudolf Junghans, Roberto Menegazzo, Chithra Nair, Roland Schwengner, Tamas Szücs, Erik Trompler, Andreas Wagner, and Dmitry Yakorev
15:00 |
HK 50.4 |
Temperature dependence of β− and β+ / ε decay branching ratio of embedded 74As — •Janos Farkas, Gyorgy Gyurky, Caner Yalcin, Zoltan Elekes, Gabor G. Kiss, Zsolt Fulop, Endre Somorjai, Kalman Vad, Jozsef Hakl, and Sandor Meszaros
15:15 |
HK 50.5 |
Efficiency calibration of the ELBE nuclear resonance fluorescence setup using a proton beam — •Erik Trompler, Daniel Bemmerer, Roland Beyer, Carlo Broggini, Antonio Caciolli, Martin Erhard, Zsolt Fülöp, Eckart Grosse, György Gyürky, Roland Hannaske, Arnd Rudolf Junghans, Michele Marta, Roberto Menegazzo, Chithra Nair, Roland Schwengner, Tamas Szücs, Andreas Wagner, and Dmitry Yakorev
15:30 |
HK 50.6 |
Measurement of the total cross section of 3He(α,γ)7Be with the recoil separator ERNA — •Antonino Di Leva
15:45 |
HK 50.7 |
Direct Measurements of low energy resonances in 25Mg(p,γ) 26Al — •Benedetta Limata