Bochum 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 59: Nuclear Structure and Dynamics II
Mittwoch, 18. März 2009, 16:30–19:00, H-ZO 50
16:30 |
HK 59.1 |
Studies of Light Unbound Nuclear Systems — •Yuliya Aksyutina
17:00 |
HK 59.2 |
The Investigation of the Coulomb Breakup Effect on the 6-He Elastic Scattering — •Yasemin Kucuk, Ismail Boztosun, and Nicholas Keeley
17:15 |
HK 59.3 |
Microscopic cluster model of 5H and 5He (T=3/2) — •Pierre Descouvemont and Abderrahim Adahchour
17:30 |
HK 59.4 |
The optical potential for the subbarrier elastic scattering of light weakly-bound deuteron-like nuclei — •Lesya Borowska, Kostyantyn Terenetsky, Volodymyr Verbitsky, and Stephan Fritzsche
17:45 |
HK 59.5 |
Breakup correlations and continuum spectroscopy of two-neutron halo nuclei — Jan S. Vaagen, •Sergey N. Ershov, and Boris V. Danilin
18:00 |
HK 59.6 |
Shape coexistence in the neutron-rich isotope 13B with N = 8 studied by lifetime measurements of the excited states — •Hironori Iwasaki, Alfred Dewald, Christoph Fransen, Adrian Gelberg, Matthias Hackstein, Jan Jolie, Pavel Petkov, Thomas Pissulla, Wolfram Rother, and Karl-oskar Zell
18:15 |
HK 59.7 |
Bestimmung der Kernladungsradien von 7,10Be und dem Neutronen-Halokern 11Be — •Dirk Tiedemann, Zoran Andjlkovic, Klaus Blaum, Marc Bissell, Radu Cazan, Christopher Geppert, Magdalena Kowalska, Jörg Krämer, Andreas Krieger, Rainer Neugart, Rodolfo Sanchez, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Monika Zakova, Deyan Yordanov, Claus Zimmermann und Wilfried Nörtershäuser
18:30 |
HK 59.8 |
Neutron knockout from Borromean halo: the target dependence — •Christoph Langer
18:45 |
HK 59.9 |
β decay studies of 11Li, 11Be and 8B with an implantation technique — •Jeroen Büscher