16:30 |
HK 60.1 |
Eingeladener Gruppenbericht:
The r-process nucleosynthesis: a long-standing mystery in astrophysics — •Stephane Goriely
17:00 |
HK 60.2 |
Neutron-capture cross sections of Fe-peak seed nuclei — •I Dillmann, T Faestermann, G Korschinek, J Lachner, M Poutivtsev, G Rugel, F Käppeler, S Walter, C Domingo-Pardo, M Heil, R Reifarth, L Coquard, A Wallner, K Buczak, and C Lederer
17:30 |
HK 60.3 |
R-process nucleosynthesis calculations with complete nuclear physics input — •Ilka Petermann, Almudena Arcones, Aleksandra Kelic, Karlheinz Langanke, Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo, Igor Panov, Thomas Rauscher, Karl-Heinz Schmidt, Friedrich-Karl Thielemann, and Nikolaj Zinner
17:45 |
HK 60.4 |
Co-Production of Light p-, s- and r-Process Isotopes in the High-Entropy Wind of Type II Supernovae — •Khalil Farouqi, James W. Truran, Karl-L. Kratz, Ulrich Ott, Bernd Pfeiffer, Yoav Kashiv, and Friedrich-K. Thielemann
18:00 |
HK 60.5 |
Stellar (n,γ) cross sections of neutron-rich nuclei. — •Justyna Marganiec, Iris Dillmann, Cesar Domingo Pardo, and Franz Käppeler
18:15 |
HK 60.6 |
Photoactivation experiments at HIγS * — •A. Sauerwein, M. Fritzsche, N. Pietralla, C. Romig, G. Rusev, D. Savran, K. Sonnabend, A.P. Tonchev, W. Tornow, and H.R. Weller
18:30 |
HK 60.7 |
Properties of the first 1/2+ state in 9Be from electron scattering and astrophysical implications* — •Oleksiy Burda, Peter von Neumann-Cosel, and Achim Richter