16:30 |
HK 63.1 |
Status of the development at the S-DALINAC* — •Tobias Weilbach, Asim Araz, Wolfgang Ackermann, Uwe Bonnes, Jens Conrad, Ralf Eichhorn, Sylvain Franke, Joel Fuerst, Michael Hertling, Florian Hug, Christian Klose, Peter Kneisel, Martin Konrad, Thorsten Kürzeder, Clemens Liebig, Wolfgang F. O. Müller, Norbert Pietralla, Markus Platz, Achim Richter, Christian Röder, Felix Schlander, Sven Sievers, Bastian Steiner, and Thomas Weiland
17:00 |
HK 63.2 |
The new position sensitive triple cluster detector for AGATA — •P. Reiter, B. Birkenbach, B. Bruyneel, J. Eberth, H. Hess, D. Lersch, G. Pascovici, A. Wiens, and H.G. Thomas
17:30 |
HK 63.3 |
Recent developments for the future Penning trap mass spectrometer MATS — •Daniel Rodríguez, Klaus Blaum, Stefan Stahl, and Marta Ubieto-Diaz
17:45 |
HK 63.4 |
Photon Tagger NEPTUN* — •L. Schnorrenberger, M. Elvers, J. Endres, J. Glorius, J. Hasper, K. Lindenberg, N. Pietralla, D. Savran, V. Simon, K. Sonnabend, C. Wälzlein, and A. Zilges
18:00 |
HK 63.5 |
Production of scintillation fiber combinations for the NEPTUN photon tagger * — •Cathrin Wälzlein, Janis Endres, Jan Glorius, Norbert Pietralla, Deniz Savran, Linda Schnorrenberger, Kerstin Sonnabend, and Andreas Zilges
18:15 |
HK 63.6 |
Development and construction of a detector array for (γ,n) experiments at NEPTUN* — •Vanessa Simon, Bastian Loeher, Norbert Pietralla, Linda Schnorrenberger, Deniz Savran, and Kerstin Sonnabend
18:30 |
HK 63.7 |
Determination of pulse shape starting time using neural networks — •Michael Schlarb, Roman Gernhäuser, and Reiner Krücken
18:45 |
HK 63.8 |
Analysis of the polarization sensitivity of the DAGATA polarimeter — •Babak Alikhani, Philpp Rudolf John, Jörg Leske, Oliver Möller, and Norbert Pietralla