Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 1: Dynamic Processes and Pattern Formation
Montag, 23. März 2009, 10:15–13:15, HÜL 186
10:15 |
BP 1.1 |
Taming a Heart Gone Wild — •Stefan Luther
10:45 |
BP 1.2 |
Simulation of wave propagation on moving heart geometry — •Stefan Fruhner, Steffen Bauer, Markus Bär, and Harald Engel
11:00 |
BP 1.3 |
Pattern formation in myxobacteria driven by adventurous motility and cell shape — Fernando Peruani, Jörn Starruss, Vladimir Jakovljevic, Lotte Sogaard-Andersen, •Markus Bär, and Andreas Deutsch
11:15 |
BP 1.4 |
Generalized analysis of oscillatory systems in cell biology — •Martin Zumsande and Thilo Gross
11:30 |
15 min. break
11:45 |
BP 1.5 |
Anti-spiral waves in glycolysis: How molecular enzyme properties determine the resulting spatio-temporal patterns — •Ronny Straube and Ernesto M. Nicola
12:00 |
BP 1.6 |
Mechanically driven reaction-diffusion model for Hydra axis-definition — Jordi Soriano, •Sten Rüdiger, and Albrecht Ott
12:15 |
BP 1.7 |
A Reaction-Diffusion System to Model Symmetry Breaking in C. elegans — •Philipp Khuc Trong, Nathan W. Goehring, Ernesto M. Nicola, and Stephan W. Grill
12:30 |
BP 1.8 |
Dynamics of Blood Disorders — •Arne Traulsen, Jorge M. Pacheco, and David Dingli
12:45 |
BP 1.9 |
Spatiotemporal control of the energy metabolism in a thin layer of yeast cells by oxygen gradients — •Christian Warnke, Thomas Mair, Mathias Müller, Hartmut Witte, Marcus J. B. Hauser, and Alois Krost
13:00 |
BP 1.10 |
Entrainment in nonlinear oscillator model of insect flight — •Elena Y. Shchekinova, Jan Bartussek, and Martin Zapotocky