Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 10: Biofluiddynamics
Dienstag, 24. März 2009, 14:00–16:30, HÜL 186
14:00 |
BP 10.1 |
Biohydrodynamics of biomimetic and bacterial flagella — •Holger Stark
14:30 |
BP 10.2 |
Thermal Nanoparticle Traps: Theory and Experiment — Franz M. Weinert, Philipp Baaske, and •Dieter Braun
14:45 |
BP 10.3 |
Defined Spatial and Time Resolved Microfluidics for Stimulation of Chemotactic Cells — •Börn Meier, Delphine Arcizet, Joachim Rädler, and Doris Heinrich
15:00 |
BP 10.4 |
Cell surface protein dynamics in microflow — •Eric Stellamanns, Sravanti Uppaluri, Niko Heddergott, Markus Engstler, and Thomas Pfohl
15:15 |
BP 10.5 |
Motility Patterns and Structure Formation Dynamics of Physarum Polycephalum — •Christina Oettmeier, Siddharth Deshpande, and Hans-Günther Döbereiner
15:30 |
BP 10.6 |
Steering chiral swimmers along noisy helical paths — •Benjamin M. Friedrich and Frank Julicher
15:45 |
BP 10.7 |
Theoretical modelling of bacterial motor dynamics — •Eva Baresel and Rudolf Friedrich
16:00 |
BP 10.8 |
Investigating cross-linking properties of actin structures with holographic optical tweezers in microfluidic systems — •Kai Uhrig, Rainer Kurre, Martin Streichfuss, Friedrich Erbs, Simon Schulz, Anabel Clemen, Tamas Haraszti, Christian Böhm, and Joachim Spatz
16:15 |
BP 10.9 |
Hydrodynamic description of cortical dynamics in the C. elegans zygote — •Justin Bois, Martin Depken, Mirjam Mayer, Frank Jülicher, and Stephan Grill