14:30 |
BP 11.1 |
Fast Dynamics of Cellular Signals Studied With a Novel Miniaturized Multi-Channel Perfusion System — •Claus Fütterer, Luru Dai, Hans Fried, Arne Brombas, Arnd Baumann, Thomas Gensch, and Frank Müller
14:45 |
BP 11.2 |
Giving biomechanics a spin: the Optical Cell Rotator — •Anatol Fritsch, Tobias Kießling, Moritz Kreysing, Franziska Wetzel, and Josef Käs
15:00 |
BP 11.3 |
Periodic strain slows down osteoblast proliferation — •Matthias Maier, Pablo Fernandez, Ludwig Eichinger, and Andreas R. Bausch
15:15 |
BP 11.4 |
Label-free bioimaging of living human glioblastoma cells by confocal Raman microscopy — •Alexander M. Gigler, Katharina Klein, Guido Piontek, Thomas Aschenbrenner, Wolfram Bunk, Gregor Morfill, Jürgen Schlegel, and Robert W. Stark
15:30 |
BP 11.5 |
Spatial chemical gradient measurements in microfluidic channels by arrays of nano-gap electrodes — •Enno Kätelhön, Marcel A. G. Zevenbergen, Edgar D. Goluch, Serge G. Lemay, Andreas Offenhäusser, and Bernhard Wolfrum
15:45 |
BP 11.6 |
Immunoassay based on long-range fluorescence quenching by gold nanoparticles — •Meike Kloster, Sergiy Mayilo, Fernando Stefani, Michael Wunderlich, Thomas A. Klar, Hans-Peter Josel, Dieter Heindl, Alfons Nichtl, Konrad Kürzinger, and Jochen Feldmann
16:00 |
BP 11.7 |
SERS labels for red laser excitation: silica-encapsulated SAM on tunable gold/silver nanoshells — •Magdalena Gellner, Max Schütz, Bernd Küstner, and Sebastian Schlücker
16:15 |
BP 11.8 |
Impedance study of AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures in contact with electrolyte solutions — Michael Charpentier, •Hartmut Witte, Christian Warnke, Mathias Müller, Kay-Michael Günther, Armin Dadgar, and Alois Krost