Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 12: Single Molecules
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 09:30–13:15, HÜL 186
09:30 |
BP 12.1 |
Conformational Mechanics of Single Protein Molecules — •Matthias Rief
10:00 |
BP 12.2 |
Illuminating the way Kinesin-1 walks using FRET between the motor domains — •Erwin Peterman
10:30 |
BP 12.3 |
Single-molecule measurement of protein friction between kinesin and the microtubule surface and its relation to lattice diffusion — Volker Bormuth, Vladimir Varga, Jonathon Howard, and •Erik Schäffer
10:45 |
BP 12.4 |
Reversible Affinity Switching of a Single Supramolecular Receptor Molecule — •Volker Walhorn, Christian Schäfer, Tobias Schröder, Jochen Mattay, and Dario Anselmetti
11:00 |
BP 12.5 |
Dual-focus flow detection: Exposing biological heterogeneity one molecule at a time — •Tyler Arbour, Anastasia Loman, and Jörg Enderlein
11:15 |
BP 12.6 |
Time resolved three-dimensional orientation of eGFP — •Richard Börner
11:30 |
15 min. break
11:45 |
BP 12.7 |
Determining the hydrodynamic size and shape of biomolecules by probing single-molecule Brownian motion — •Sandeep Pallikkuth and Andreas Volkmer
12:00 |
BP 12.8 |
Stretching and unfolding titin: Metastability and survival of the fittest — •Douglas B. Staple, Stephen H. Payne, Andrew L. C. Reddin, and Hans Jürgen Kreuzer
12:15 |
BP 12.9 |
Dual-Focus Correlation Spectroscopy: Advantages and applications — •Anastasia Loman and Jörg Enderlein
12:30 |
BP 12.10 |
Calcium mediated carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions investigated with single molecule force spectroscopy — •André Körnig, Iwona Bucior, Max M Burger, Xavier Fernandèz-Busquets, and Dario Anselmetti
12:45 |
BP 12.11 |
Microfluidic device for polarizability-quantification and fast DNA-separation on single molecule scales — •Lukas Bogunovic, Jan Regtmeier, Ralf Eichhorn, Alexandra Ros, and Dario Anselmetti
13:00 |
BP 12.12 |
Transport through OmpF channels simulated using molecular dynamics — •Soroosh Pezeshki, Mathias Winterhalter, and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer