Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 13: Cell Migration
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 10:45–13:15, ZEU 260
10:45 |
BP 13.1 |
Quantitative studies of Dictyostelium discoideum chemotaxis — •Matthias Theves, Carsten Beta, and Eberhard Bodenschatz
11:00 |
BP 13.2 |
Force generation in moving fish keratocytes — •Claudia Brunner, Michael Gögler, Daniel Koch, Thomas Fuhs, Allen Ehrlicher, and Josef Käs
11:15 |
BP 13.3 |
Mimicking Cellular Environments: Cells on elastic nanopatterned substrates — •Ilia Louban, Roberto Fiammengo, and Joachim Spatz
11:30 |
BP 13.4 |
Three-dimensional micro scaffolds for single cell experiments — •Joachim Fischer, Franziska Klein, Clemens Franz, Georg von Freymann, Martin Bastmeyer, and Martin Wegener
11:45 |
15 min. break
12:00 |
BP 13.5 |
Single cell motility in tunable environments — •Sravanti Uppaluri, Jan Nagler, Markus Engstler, and Thomas Pfohl
12:15 |
BP 13.6 |
Stochastic Lamellipodium Dynamics — •Melanie Knorr, Daniel Koch, Thomas Fuhs, Timo Betz, Ulrich Behn, and Josef Käs
12:30 |
BP 13.7 |
Growing Actin Networks Form Lamellipodium and Lamellum by Self-Organization — •Florian Huber, Björn Stuhrmann, and Josef Käs
12:45 |
BP 13.8 |
Microtubule-based neuronal growth cone motility — •Thomas Fuhs, Allen Ehrlicher, and Josef Käs
13:00 |
BP 13.9 |
Vinculin exchange dynamics regulates adhesion site turnover and adhesion strength — •Christoph Möhl, Norbert Kirchgeßner, Claudia Schäfer, Kevin Küpper, Rudolf Merkel, and Bernd Hoffmann