Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 14: Neuronal and Sensory Systems
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 14:00–17:15, HÜL 186
14:00 |
BP 14.1 |
Nerve signals as density pulses, conduction events, and the role of anesthetics — •Thomas Heimburg
14:30 |
BP 14.2 |
Living optical elements in the vertebrate retina — Moritz Kreysing, Kristian Franze, Boris Joffe, Thomas Cremer, Leo Peichl, Andreas Reichenbach, and •Jochen Guck
14:45 |
BP 14.3 |
Eye dominance induces pinwheel crystallization in models of visual cortical development — •Lars Reichl, Siegrid Loewel, and Fred Wolf
15:00 |
BP 14.4 |
Comparison of stochastic integrate-and-fire models — •Benjamin Lindner and Rafael D. Vilela
15:15 |
BP 14.5 |
From Integrator to Resonator: The effect of dendrites on neuronal excitability — •Christoph Kirst, Andreas Herz, and Martin Stemmler
15:30 |
BP 14.6 |
Extensive Chaotic Dynamics of Spiking Neuron Networks in the Balanced State — Michael Kreissl, •Siegrid Löwel, and Fred Wolf
15:45 |
15 min. break
16:00 |
BP 14.7 |
First order phase transition to criticality by adaptive interactions — •Anna Levina, J. Michael Herrmann, and Theo Geisel
16:15 |
BP 14.8 |
Self-organized criticality in a neural network — •Christian Meisel and Thilo Gross
16:30 |
BP 14.9 |
Magnetoreception mechanisms in birds - towards the discovery of the sixth sense — •Ilia Solov'yov and Walter Greiner
16:45 |
BP 14.10 |
Enhancement of signal detection by coupling of active hair bundles — •Kai Dierkes, Benjamin Lindner, and Frank Jülicher
17:00 |
BP 14.11 |
Information Filtering by Synaptic Short-Term Plasticity — •Matthias Merkel and Benjamin Lindner