17:15 |
BP 17.1 |
Elastic properties of human cancer cells — •Carsten Hentschel, Hendrik Hölscher, Stefan Schneider, and Kristina Riehemann
17:15 |
BP 17.2 |
Force Measurements in Mitotic Spindles — •Aaron Lindner, Bastian Rühle, Francois Nédelec, and Joachim Spatz
17:15 |
BP 17.3 |
Towards measuring the centering forces acting on the mitotic spindle in the C. elegans embryo — •Horatiu Fantana and Jonathon Howard
17:15 |
BP 17.4 |
Manipulation of stretch-activated calcium channels with the optical stretcher — •Markus Gyger, Christoph Schneider, Susanne Ebert, and Josef Käs
17:15 |
BP 17.5 |
Mechanics in Neuronal Development — •Kristian Franze, Hanno Svoboda, Pouria Moshayedi, Andreas Christ, James Fawcett, Josef Kas, Christine Holt, and Jochen Guck
17:15 |
BP 17.6 |
Modelling control of cellular force distributions by adhesion geometry and rigidity — •Ilka Bischofs, Sebastian Schmidt, and Ulrich Schwarz
17:15 |
BP 17.7 |
Influence of Mn2+ and Mg2+ on the interaction between integrin α7β1 and invasin studied by dynamic force spectroscopy — •Agnieszka Ligezowska, Kristian Boye, Johannes Eble, Bernd Hoffmann, Beate Klösgen, and Rudolf Merkel
17:15 |
BP 17.8 |
Biomembrane adhesion on micropatterned substrates: A tool for thermal fluctuation analysis — •Cornelia Monzel, Susanne Fenz, Sabine Dieluweit, Kheya Sengupta, and Rudolf Merkel
17:15 |
BP 17.9 |
Quantification of cell adhesion strength on self assembled monolayers with tuneable surface properties — •Christof Christophis, Michael Grunze, and Axel Rosenhahn
17:15 |
BP 17.10 |
AFM as a chance for studying in situ protein adsorption and bacterial adhesion — •Peter Loskill, Yvonne Schmitt, and Karin Jacobs
17:15 |
BP 17.11 |
Cell Adhesion and Cell Detachment Forces on Micro-Nanopatterned Substrates — •Janosch Deeg, Ilia Louban, Daniel Aydin, and Joachim Spatz
17:15 |
BP 17.12 |
Cell Motility in Microstructured 3D Topologies — •Sofia Capito, Delphine Arcizet, Joachim Rädler, and Doris Heinrich
17:15 |
BP 17.13 |
The first passage problem for diffusion through a cylindrical pore with sticky walls — •Nicholas Licata and Stephan Grill
17:15 |
BP 17.14 |
Protein diffusion in crowded and charged solutions: A light scattering and neutron spin echo study — •Marcus Hennig, Felix Roosen-Runge, Fajun Zhang, Stefan Zorn, Maximilian Skoda, Robert M. J. Jacobs, Peter Fouquet, Tilo Seydel, and Frank Schreiber
17:15 |
BP 17.15 |
Microscopic origins of anomalous diffusion - insights from studies on crowded solutions — •Jedrzej Szymanski and Matthias Weiss
17:15 |
BP 17.16 |
Water diffusion through OmpF channels using molecular dynamics simulations — •Mihai Tomozeiu, Soroosh Pezeshki, and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
17:15 |
BP 17.17 |
Theoretical description of endosome dynamics — •Jonathan Edward Dawson, Lionel Foret, Claudio Collinet, Yannis Kalaidzidis, Lutz Brusch, Perla Zerial, Andreas Deutsch, Marino Zerial, and Frank Jülicher
17:15 |
BP 17.18 |
Protein translocation across artifical membrane channels — •Stefan Bommer and Patrick Huber
17:15 |
BP 17.19 |
Vesicle Transport in Guided Neuronal Axons — •Carina Pelzl, Guido Piontek, Jürgen Schlegel, Joachim Rädler, and Doris Heinrich
17:15 |
BP 17.20 |
Influence of a repulsive short-range interaction on the transport properties of a driven two-channel system — •Anna Melbinger, Tobias Reichenbach, Thomas Franosch, and Erwin Frey
17:15 |
BP 17.21 |
Rheology and Transport Processes in Living Cells — •Jean Mahowald, Delphine Arcizet, Joachim Oskar Rädler, and Doris Heinrich
17:15 |
BP 17.22 |
Characterisation of Staphylococcus aureus Wall Teichoic Acids and their functional components with Vibrational and Photoemission Spectroscopy in thin films — •Florian Latteyer, Timo Birkenstock, Heiko Peisert, Andreas Peschel, and Thomas Chassé
17:15 |
BP 17.23 |
Simulating E.coli’s Major Efflux Pump: The Extrusion Mechanism for Substrates — •R. Schulz, A. Vargiu, P. Ruggerone, M. Schreiber, and U. Kleinekathöfer
17:15 |
BP 17.24 |
Phenotype Decision in B. subtilis: Low Number Fluctuations Enhanced by Non-linear Dynamics — •Jan-Timm Kuhr, Madeleine Leisner, Joachim O. Rädler, Berenike Maier, and Erwin Frey
17:15 |
BP 17.25 |
Understanding the effect of virus infection on cellular architecture — •Julian Weichsel, Nikolas Herold, Maik Lehmann, Hans-Georg Kräusslich, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
17:15 |
BP 17.26 |
Mechanical properties of non-enveloped viruses — •Bodo D Wilts, José L Carrascosa, Charles M Knobler, Iwan A T Schaap, and Christoph F Schmidt
17:15 |
BP 17.27 |
Optical properties of light-harvesting systems determined by molecular dynamics simulations — •Carsten Olbrich, Michael Schreiber, and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
17:15 |
BP 17.28 |
Novel PSs for PDT: time-resolved detection of 1O2-phosphorescence allows to determine the PS’s localisation — •Christoph Feest, Annegret Preuss, Beate Röder, and Ursula Simonis
17:15 |
BP 17.29 |
Theoretical simulation of Protein Kinase C (PKC) membrane translocation — •Mike Bonny, Martin Peglow, Karsten Kruse, and Heiko Rieger
17:15 |
BP 17.30 |
Inflammatory activation of macrophages by specific kinds of nanoparticles — •Kristina Riehemann, Kathrin Hardes, Stefan Gerbes, and Mirko Bukowski
17:15 |
BP 17.31 |
Quantification of hematopoietic stem cell chemotaxis by microstructured channel systems and ELISA — •Christina Leinweber, Rainer Saffrich, Wolfgang Wagner, Axel Rosenhahn, Anthony D. Ho, and Michael Grunze
17:15 |
BP 17.32 |
Controlling cell signalling with magnetic nanoparticles — •Verena Schittler, Delphine Arcizet, Yoshihiko Katayama, Don Lamb, Stefan Zahler, Joachim Rädler, and Doris Heinrich
17:15 |
BP 17.33 |
Formation of Domains in Bacterial Flagella — •Reinhard Vogel and Holger Stark
17:15 |
BP 17.34 |
A hydrodynamic model of bacterial motors — •Johannes Greber
17:15 |
BP 17.35 |
4D-Tracking of pathogens by digital in-line holography — •Sebastian Weiße, Matthias Heydt, Niko Heddergott, Markus Engstler, Michael Grunze, and Axel Rosenhahn
17:15 |
BP 17.36 |
Looking at cell motility in blood flow — •Sravanti Uppaluri, Eric Stellamanns, Dagmar Steinhauser, Markus Engstler, and Thomas Pfohl
17:15 |
BP 17.37 |
Survival of heterogenous populations in fluctuating environments — •Florentine Mayer and Erwin Frey
17:15 |
BP 17.38 |
Competition between sexual and asexual reproduction: geographic parthenogenesis in structured resource space — •Yixian Song, Irene Ament, Stefan Scheu, and Barbara Drossel
17:15 |
BP 17.39 |
Spatial desynchronization of glycolytic waves as revealed by Karhunen-Loève analysis — Satenik Bagyan, Ronny Straube, •Marcus J.B. Hauser, and Thomas Mair
17:15 |
BP 17.40 |
Recording of glycolytic oscillations by electrical measurements at planar yeast cell/electrode-interfaces — •Christian Warnke, Mathias Müller, Michael Charpentier, Hartmut Witte, Thomas Mair, Marcus J. B. Hauser, and Alois Krost
17:15 |
BP 17.41 |
Modeling of spatio-temporal dynamics in glycolysis with inhomogeneous periodic influx of substrate — •Anastasia Lavrova, Eugene Postnikov, Thomas Mair, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
17:15 |
BP 17.42 |
Network Topology of Physarum Polycephalum — •Siddharth Deshpande, Christina Oettmeier, and Hans-Günther Döbereiner
17:15 |
BP 17.43 |
Stability analysis and maneuver of gene regulation networks — •Joseph Zhou and Thilo Gross
17:15 |
BP 17.44 |
Dynamics of biological networks — •Eva Gehrmann and Barbara Drossel
17:15 |
BP 17.45 |
Extraction of deep sources from human EEG — •Philipp Stern, Andreas Galka, and Jens Christian Claussen
17:15 |
BP 17.46 |
Clusters of sustained activity in sparse networks - the influence of topology on networks bursts — •Olav Stetter, Anna Levina, and Theo Geisel