Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 2: Biopolymers and Biomaterials (joint session BP/CPP)
Montag, 23. März 2009, 11:00–13:15, ZEU 260
11:00 |
BP 2.1 |
Radial distribution function for confined semiflexible polymers — •Florian Thüroff, Frederik Wagner, and Erwin Frey
11:15 |
BP 2.2 |
End-monomer dynamics in semiflexible polymers — •Michael Hinczewski, Xaver Schlagberger, Michael Rubinstein, Oleg Krichevsky, and Roland R. Netz
11:30 |
BP 2.3 |
A liquid state theory for biopolymers — •Jens Glaser and Klaus Kroy
11:45 |
BP 2.4 |
Active and Passive Microrheology Probes Reconstituted Intermediate Filament Networks — •Sarah Köster, Yi-Chia Lin, Johannes Sutter, and David Weitz
12:00 |
BP 2.5 |
Non-affine Deformations in Entangled Networks of Semiflexible Polymers — •Hauke Hinsch and Erwin Frey
12:15 |
BP 2.6 |
Fiber Networks: Relationship between Effective Elastic Properties and Morphology — •Susan Sporer, Mayhar Madadi, Stefan Münster, Klaus Mecke, Christoph Arns, Ben Fabry, and Gerd E. Schröder-Turk
12:30 |
BP 2.7 |
Encapsulation of carbon nanotubes within the microtubules — •Melinda Varga, Nitesh Ranjan, Wolfgang Pompe, and Michael Mertig
12:45 |
BP 2.8 |
Mineralization kinetics and heterogeneity of mineral content in bone — •Carolin Lukas, Harald Engel, Peter Fratzl, Paul Roschger, Klaus Klaushofer, and Richard Weinkamer
13:00 |
BP 2.9 |
Leg joints of the lobster H. americanus: An example of cuticle modification for specific functions — •Helge Fabritius, Torsten Fischer, Sabine Hild, and Dierk Raabe