Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 20: DNA, RNA and Chromatin
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 14:00–17:15, HÜL 186
14:00 |
BP 20.1 |
Artificial biochemical reaction circuits based on DNA and RNA — •Friedrich Simmel, Eike Friedrichs, and Ralf Jungmann
14:30 |
BP 20.2 |
Self-assembling DNA-caged particles: nanoblocks for hierarchical self-assembly — •Nicholas Licata and Alexei Tkachenko
14:45 |
BP 20.3 |
Images of Intracellular Kinetics Reveal Accellerated DNA Hybridization — •Ingmar Schön and Dieter Braun
15:00 |
BP 20.4 |
Promoter proximal transcript secondary structure — •Abigail Klopper and Stephan Grill
15:15 |
BP 20.5 |
overstretching of DNA duplexes studied with steered molecular dynamics simulations — •hui li and thomas gisler
15:30 |
BP 20.6 |
Modeling the BS-transition of DNA under tension — •Thomas Rudolf Einert, Douglas Staple, Hans-Jürgen Kreuzer, and Roland Netz
15:45 |
15 min. break
16:00 |
BP 20.7 |
An inter-nucleotide potential for DNA: atomistic and coarse-grained simulations — •Maria Fyta, Greg Lakatos, Simone Melchionna, and Efthimios Kaxiras
16:15 |
BP 20.8 |
Investigation of the three-dimensional structure of chromatin — •René Stehr, Nick Kepper, Ramona Ettig, Karsten Rippe, and Gero Wedemann
16:30 |
BP 20.9 |
Structural levels of organization in the TmHU/DNA-complex as studied by optical tweezers assisted force spectroscopy — •Carolin Wagner, Mathias Salomo, and Friedrich Kremer
16:45 |
BP 20.10 |
Extracting intermolecular forces in protein-DNA complexes from structural data — •Nils Becker and Ralf Everaers
17:00 |
BP 20.11 |
Physical Analysis of Statistical Nucleosome Positioning in the Yeast Genome — •Wolfram Möbius and Ulrich Gerland