Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 25: Membranes
Freitag, 27. März 2009, 10:15–13:15, HÜL 186
10:15 |
BP 25.1 |
Role of membrane curvature in membrane trafficking — •Patricia Bassereau, Benoit Sorre, Andrew Callan-Jones, Gerbrand Koster, Aurélien Roux, Martin Lenz, Jean-François Joanny, and Jacques Prost
10:45 |
BP 25.2 |
Multi-Parameter Analysis of Inter-Membrane Adhesion Using Simultaneous Fluorescence and Reflection Interference Contrast Microscopy (RICM) — •Susanne Fenz, Rudolph Merkel, and Kheya Sengupta
11:00 |
BP 25.3 |
Specific adhesion of membranes: the role of membrane fluctuations — •Ellen Reister, Ana-Sunčana Smith, and Udo Seifert
11:15 |
BP 25.4 |
A solvent-free coarse-grained model for amphiphilic bilayers — •Martin Hömberg and Marcus Müller
11:30 |
BP 25.5 |
A simulation study of protein-mediated membrane deformations — •Diana Morozova and Matthias Weiss
11:45 |
15 min. break
12:00 |
BP 25.6 |
Pattern formation in membranes by a translocation-diffusion mechanism — Sergio Alonso, •Sebastian Curth, and Markus Baer
12:15 |
BP 25.7 |
Interaction of charged colloids and actin filaments with inhomogeneous lipid membranes — •Florian Rückerl, Lydia Woiterski, Josef Käs, and Carsten Selle
12:30 |
BP 25.8 |
In vitro characterization of vinculin’s lipid membrane-interacting domain, helix 3 — •Volker Wirth, Felix List, Gerold Diez, Wolfgang H. Ziegler, and Wolfgang H. Goldmann
12:45 |
BP 25.9 |
Long-Range Motion of Phospholipids on a Picosecond Timescale as Seen with Quasielastic Neutron Scattering — •Sebastian Busch, Christoph Smuda, Luis Carlos Pardo Soto, and Tobias Unruh
13:00 |
BP 25.10 |
Radial density profile and size distribution of synaptic vesicles determined by small angle x-ray scattering — •Simon Castorph, Matthew Holt, Michael Sztucki, Reinhard Jahn, and Tim Salditt