Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 4: Cell Mechanics
Montag, 23. März 2009, 14:30–17:00, HÜL 186
14:30 |
BP 4.1 |
Stem Cell Cytoskeleton Polarization Dictated by Matrix Elasticity - Modelling Cellular Biomechanics with Force Dipoles — •Florian Rehfeldt, Assaf Zemel, Andre E.X. Brown, Allison L. Zajac, Samuel A. Safran, and Dennis E. Discher
14:45 |
BP 4.2 |
Force-induced movement of focal adhesions — •Benedikt Sabass, Sergey V. Plotnikov, Clare Waterman, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
15:00 |
BP 4.3 |
The compaction of gels by cells: a case of collective mechanical activity — •Pablo Fernandez and Andreas R. Bausch
15:15 |
BP 4.4 |
ATP dependent nonequilibrium mechanics of red blood cells — •Timo Betz, Martin Lenz, Jean-François Joanny, and Cécile Sykes
15:30 |
BP 4.5 |
A Biomechanical Perspective on Cancer: From cell line to primary cells — •Kenechukwu David Nnetu, Franziska Wetzel, and Josef Käs
15:45 |
15 min. break
16:00 |
BP 4.6 |
Integrin expression increased contractile force generation that regulate cell invasion and tumor outgrowth — •Claudia Mierke, Martina Fellner, Benjamin Frey, and Martin Herrmann
16:15 |
BP 4.7 |
High-Resolution Measurements of Cellular Contractile Forces — •Florian Schlosser, Florian Rehfeldt, Daisuke Mizuno, and Christoph Schmidt
16:30 |
BP 4.8 |
Contribution of cytoskeletal components to the nonlinear rheology of cells — •Navid Bonakdar, Philip Kollmannsberger, Karen Kasza, and Ben Fabry
16:45 |
BP 4.9 |
Optical Cell Stretching and Cell Squeezing — •Tobias Kiessling, Franziska Wetzel, Karla Müller, Anatol Fritsch, K. David Nnetu, and Josef Käs