17:45 |
BP 7.1 |
Self Assembled Asymmetric Lipid Bilayers in Microfluidic Channels — •Shashi Thutupalli, Ralf Seemann, and Stephan Herminghaus
17:45 |
BP 7.2 |
Scanning Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy on Membranes — •Jonas Ries, Salvatore Chiantia, Rachel Yu, and Petra Schwille
17:45 |
BP 7.3 |
Diffusion of single actin filaments bound to cationic lipid membranes — •Lydia Woiterski, Florian Rückerl, Josef A. Käs, and Carsten Selle
17:45 |
BP 7.4 |
Curvature-coupled protein diffusion in a fluctuating model membrane — •Stefan Leitenberger, Ellen Reister-Gottfried, and Udo Seifert
17:45 |
BP 7.5 |
Elucidating structure and domain formation of biomimetic lipid bilayers — •Kristian Boye, Gernot Guigas, Eszter Molnar, Martin Holzer, Wolfgang Schamel, and Matthias Weiss
17:45 |
BP 7.6 |
Influence of Tension on Coarse-Grained Model Membranes — •Jörg M. Neder, Beate West, Friederike Schmid, and Peter Nielaba
17:45 |
BP 7.7 |
Dynamics of vesicle adhesion through a polymer cushion: role of layer thickness and tension — •Kheya Sengupta and Laurent Limozin
17:45 |
BP 7.8 |
Artificial Chloroplasts from Giant Unilamellar Vesicles — •Jakob Schweizer and Petra Schwille
17:45 |
BP 7.9 |
Fast algorithm for determinating the equilibrium configuration of a cable network model describing the actin cytoskeleton — •Karsten Schwarz and Heiko Rieger
17:45 |
BP 7.10 |
Active chiral gels — •Sebastian Fürthauer, Stephan Grill, and Frank Jülicher
17:45 |
BP 7.11 |
Cytoskeletal filament length regulation by length-dependent depolymerisation rates — •Christoph Erlenkämper and Karsten Kruse
17:45 |
BP 7.12 |
Dynamics of formin promoted actin polymerization — •Carsten Schuldt, Brian Gentry, Dan Strehle, and Josef A. Käs
17:45 |
BP 7.13 |
Self-organization of Dynein Motors Generates Meiotic Nuclear Oscillations — Sven Vogel, •Nenad Pavin, Nicola Maghelli, Frank Jülicher, and Iva Tolic-Norrelykke
17:45 |
BP 7.14 |
Dependence of Eg5Kin force production on monastrol — •André Düselder, Stefan Lakämper, and Christoph Schmidt
17:45 |
BP 7.15 |
How molecular crowding speeds up mechanotransduction — •Sebastian Sturm, Benedikt Obermayer, Andrea Kramer, and Klaus Kroy
17:45 |
BP 7.16 |
In vitro assembly and characterization of keratin 8/18 intermediate filaments — •Anke Leitner, Norbert Mücke, Tatjana Wedig, Harald Herrmann, Michael Beil, and Othmar Marti
17:45 |
BP 7.17 |
Stiff-filament microrheology — Felix Zörgiebel, •Marcel Bremerich, Frederick C. MacKintosh, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:45 |
BP 7.18 |
Hydrodynamic effects in diffusion-controlled reactions of semiflexible polymers — •Yann von Hansen, Michael Hinczewski, and Roland R. Netz
17:45 |
BP 7.19 |
Microtubules inside out — Jan Kleeblat, Christoph F. Schmidt, and •Iwan A. T. Schaap
17:45 |
BP 7.20 |
Imaging microtubule modulating proteins with atomic force microscopy — •Karen Hollenberg, Florian Hagene, Iwan A. T. Schaap, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:45 |
BP 7.21 |
Atomic force microscopy of collagen — •Nadine Drechsel, Stephanie Röper, Christian Dietz, and Robert Magerle
17:45 |
BP 7.22 |
Optical Tweezer: A system for tracking several beads incorporated in the keratin cytoskeleton of pancreatic carcinoma cells — •Tobias Paust, Alexander Schmatulla, Ulla Nolte, Michael Beil, and Othmar Marti
17:45 |
BP 7.23 |
Strain stiffening and soft glassy rheology in a generalized sliding filament model — •Philip Kollmannsberger, Claus Metzner, and Ben Fabry
17:45 |
BP 7.24 |
Imaging human bone with bimodal scanning force microscopy — •Stephanie Röper, Nadine Drechsel, Christian Dietz, Anke Bernstein, and Robert Magerle
17:45 |
BP 7.25 |
Surface properties relevant for the adhesion of marine microorganisms — •A. Rosenhahn, S. Schilp, X. Cao, F. Wode, M.P. Arpa Sancet, M. Heydt, M.E. Pettit, M.E. Callow, J.A. Callow, and M. Grunze
17:45 |
BP 7.26 |
Protein film formation on hydroxy apatite surfaces — •Christian Zeitz, Frank Müller, and Karin Jacobs
17:45 |
BP 7.27 |
Probing the unfolding behavior of SNase mutants by SAXS — •Martin Schroer, Christina Krywka, Saskia Schmacke, Michael Paulus, Roland Winter, Catherine Royer, Bertrand Garcia-Moreno, and Metin Tolan
17:45 |
BP 7.28 |
Improving protein structure prediction using sequence-derived structure profiles — •Katrin Wolff, Andrea Cavalli, Michele Vendruscolo, and Markus Porto
17:45 |
BP 7.29 |
Langevin-Dynamik-Simulation von Peptiden — Uwe Winter und •Tihamér Geyer
17:45 |
BP 7.30 |
Oxygenation interactions of the metalloprotein hemocyanin in aqueous solution revealed by core-level spectroscopy — •Daniel Panzer, Christian Beck, Jochen Maul, Nora Bergmann, Gerhard Schönhense, Heinz Decker, and Emad Aziz
17:45 |
BP 7.31 |
Pebble-game rigidity analysis of protein crystal structures is highly sensitive to small structural variations — •Emilio Jimenez, Stephen Wells, and Rudolf Roemer
17:45 |
BP 7.32 |
The mechanisms of lipid membrane-induced IAPP fibrillogenesis and its inhibition — •Sebastian Tiemeyer, Florian Evers, Christoph G. Jeworrek, Michael Paulus, Bernd Struth, Metin Tolan, and Roland Winter
17:45 |
BP 7.33 |
Tip-enhanced single molecule fluorescence near-field microscopy for nanobiophysics — •Heinrich Gotthard Frey, Jan Paskarbeit, and Dario Anselmetti
17:45 |
BP 7.34 |
Dual-trap optical tweezer for single molecule studies of transcription — •Marcus Jahnel, Martin Behrndt, and Stephan W. Grill
17:45 |
BP 7.35 |
Three-bead assay for single molecule ncd study — •Christoph Pieper, Li Tao, Kerstin von Roden, Stefan Lakämper, Jonathan Scholey, and Christoph Schmidt
17:45 |
BP 7.36 |
Monitoring single membrane proteins in an anti-Brownian electrokinetic (ABEL) trap — •Anastasiya Golovina-Leiker, Nawid Zarrabi, Monika Düser, Rolf Reuter, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Michael Börsch
17:45 |
BP 7.37 |
Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy to Study Receptor / Ligand Interactions — Mathias Salomo, •Marc Struhalla, and Friedrich Kremer
17:45 |
BP 7.38 |
Monitoring the two rotary motors of a single FoF1-ATP synthase by triple-ALEX-FRET — •Torsten Rendler, Stefan Ernst, Monika G. Düser, Nawid Zarrabi, Anastasiya Golovina-Leiker, Rolf Reuter, Stanley D. Dunn, Jörg Wrachtrup, and Michael Börsch
17:45 |
BP 7.39 |
Fabrication of metallized solid state nanopores for single molecule experiments — •Ruoshan Wei, Daniel Pedone, Gerhard Abstreiter, and Ulrich Rant
17:45 |
BP 7.40 |
Comprehensive Acquisition and Analysis Software for Optical Tweezers — •Fabian Czerwinski and Lene B. Oddershede
17:45 |
BP 7.41 |
Design of a low-cost modular FCS, FRAP and Optical Tweezers setup for educational use — •Thorsten Bloem, Nadine Lang, Philip Kollmannsberger, and Ben Fabry
17:45 |
BP 7.42 |
Phase contrast tomography of human brain using grating interferometry — •Georg Schulz, Marco Germann, Franz Pfeiffer, Timm Weitkamp, Christian David, and Bert Müller
17:45 |
BP 7.43 |
Einfluss der Eigenschaften dielektrischer Schichten auf das Verhalten von Metallelektroden-Zellkultur-Grenzflächen — •Mathias Müller, Christian Warnke, Alexander Franke, Michael Charpentier, Antje Reiher, Kay-Michael Günther, Hartmut Witte, Jürgen Christen und Alois Krost
17:45 |
BP 7.44 |
Competitive Homogeneous Hapten Immunoassay Based on Fluorescence Quenching by Gold Nanoparticles — Benjamin Ehlers, Sergiy Mayilo, •Meike Kloster, Michael Wunderlich, Thomas A. Klar, Hans-Peter Josel, Dieter Heindl, Alfons Nichtl, Konrad Kürzinger, and Jochen Feldmann
17:45 |
BP 7.45 |
NIR SERS hybrid probes for in vitro and in vivo bioanalytics — •Andrea Matschulat, Ilona Dörfel, Franziska Emmerling, and Janina Kneipp
17:45 |
BP 7.46 |
Biological application of atomic scale magnetometry using single defects in diamond — •Thomas Wolf, Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian, Roman Kolesov, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
17:45 |
BP 7.47 |
Sub 300 nm Softlithography with SU8 — •Jörg Käsewieter, Jan Regtmeier, and Darius Anselmetti
17:45 |
BP 7.48 |
Deposition of engineered nanoparticles on human lung cells via the air liquid interface — •Andreas Comouth, Sonja Muelhopt, Harald Saathoff, Daniel Rzesanke, Alicja Panas, Carsten Weiss, Hanns-Rudolf Paur, Silvia Diabate, and Thomas Leisner
17:45 |
BP 7.49 |
The unwinding mechanism of the hexameric helicase Large Tumor Antigen — •Daniel Klaue and Ralf Seidel
17:45 |
BP 7.50 |
Single-Molecule Studies of DNA Translocating Restriction Enzymes — •Friedrich Schwarz, Kara van Aelst, Mark Szczelkun, and Ralf Seidel
17:45 |
BP 7.51 |
Transport properties of G-quadruplex DNA measured with mechanically controllable break junction electrodes — •Shoupeng Liu, Samuel Weisbrod, Zhuo Tang, Andreas Marx, Elke Scheer, and Artur Erbe
17:45 |
BP 7.52 |
Transfer matrix modelling of DNA charge transport with a diagonal-ladder model — •Stephen Wells, Chi-Tin Shih, and Rudolf Roemer
17:45 |
BP 7.53 |
TmHU-DNA binding studied by atomic force microscopy — •Hergen Brutzer, Mathias Salomo, Friedrich Kremer, and Ulrich Keyser
17:45 |
BP 7.54 |
Buckling Transition during DNA Supercoiling studied by Magnetic Tweezers — •Hergen Brutzer, Daniel Klaue, and Ralf Seidel
17:45 |
BP 7.55 |
Two dimensional semiflexible polymer rings — •Fabian Drube, Karen Alim, and Erwin Frey
17:45 |
BP 7.56 |
A coarse-grained model for RNA tertiary structure formation — •Thomas Schötz and Ulrich Gerland
17:45 |
BP 7.57 |
Stretching of a DNA/HU-protein complexes in SMD simulations — •Carsten Olbrich and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
17:45 |
BP 7.58 |
Optical tweezers measurements of threading DNA and DNA-ligand-complexes through solid-state nanopores — •Andy Sischka, Christoph Kleimann, Wiebke Hachmann, Marcus M. Schäfer, Ina Seuffert, Katja Tönsing, and Dario Anselmetti
17:45 |
BP 7.59 |
Force-induced unfolding of G-quadruplex — •Hui Li, En-hua Cao, and Thomas Gisler
17:45 |
BP 7.60 |
Probing DNA Tetrahedra — •Alexander Benkstein, Iwan A. T. Schaap, Christoph M. Erben, Andrew J. Turberfield, and Christoph F. Schmidt
17:45 |
BP 7.61 |
AlGaN/GaN-Biosensoren - stabile DNA-Sensoren — •Stefanie Linkohr, Christoph Nebel, Vadim Lebedev, Volker Cimalla und Oliver Ambacher
17:45 |
BP 7.62 |
Investigating the chemo-mechanical properties of two-dimensional actin networks — •Kai Uhrig, Rainer Kurre, Martin Streichfuss, Friedrich Erbs, Simon Schulz, Anabel Clemen, Tamas Haraszti, Christian Böhm, and Joachim Spatz