09:30 |
BP 8.1 |
Robustness and Scaling in Embryonic Development — •Naama Barkai
10:00 |
BP 8.2 |
The R8 race: Specifying photoreceptor cells in the developing fly eye — •David Lubensky
10:30 |
BP 8.3 |
Quantification of leaf vein patterning — •Karen Alim and Erwin Frey
10:45 |
BP 8.4 |
Investigating the influence of mechanics on epithelial morphogenesis — •Carina M. Edwards, Francesco Pampaloni, Ernst H. K. Stelzer, and Ulrich S. Schwarz
11:00 |
BP 8.5 |
Optimal precision of noisy gene expression domains — •Thorsten Erdmann, Martin Howard, and Pieter Rein ten Wolde
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
BP 8.6 |
Slowing down of genetic oscillations in vertebrate segmentation — •Saul Ares, Luis G. Morelli, Andrew C. Oates, and Frank Julicher
11:45 |
BP 8.7 |
Exploring Fgf8 morphogen gradient in vivo — •Markus Burkhardt, Shuizi Rachel Yu, Matthias Nowak, Jonas Ries, Zdeněk Petrášek, Petra Schwille, and Michael Brand
12:00 |
BP 8.8 |
Early Keratinocyte Differentiation and Epithelial-Tissue Morphogenesis on Micropillar Interfaces — •Simon Schulz, Thorsten Steinberg, Eva Muessig, Jens Ulmer, Niels Grabe, Gerda Komposch, Pascal Tomakidi, and Joachim P. Spatz
12:15 |
BP 8.9 |
Determinants of Epithelial Morphogenesis Studied in 3D with Light Sheet-Based Fluorescence Microscopy — •Francesco Pampaloni, Carina M. Edwards, Ulrich S. Schwarz, and Ernst H.K. Stelzer
12:30 |
BP 8.10 |
Morphogen dynamics and growth control during development — •Peer Mumcu, Thomas Bittig, Ortrud Wartlick, Anna Kicheva, Marcos González-Gaitán, and Frank Jülicher
12:45 |
BP 8.11 |
Dynamics of Polar and Hexagonal Order in Developing Epithelia — •Reza Farhadifar, Benoit Aigouy, Douglas B. Staple, Jens Roeper, Andreas Sanger, Suzanne Eaton, and Frank Jülicher