Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 11: Photonic Dielectrics II
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 14:30–17:10, WIL A317
14:30 |
DF 11.1 |
Real-time probing of structural dynamics in perovskite materials — •Thomas Elsaesser
15:05 |
5 min. break
15:10 |
DF 11.2 |
Ultrafast shape transformation dynamics of silver nanoparticles studied by femtosecond pulse-pair irradiation — •Akin Unal, Andrei Stalmashonak, Gerhard Seifert, and Heinrich Graener
15:30 |
DF 11.3 |
Femtosecond white-light pump-probe investigation of laser-induced shape transformation of silver nanoparticles in glass — •Armin Warth, Gerhard Seifert, Jens Lange, and Heinrich Graener
15:50 |
DF 11.4 |
Photorefraktive Gitter in Lithiumniobat-Kristallen erzeugt mit Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen* — •Dominik Maxein, Johanna Bückers, Daniel Haertle und Karsten Buse
16:10 |
DF 11.5 |
Photo-induced light scattering of femtosecond laser pulses in iron-doped lithium niobate crystals* — •Johanna Bückers, Dominik Maxein, Daniel Haertle, and Karsten Buse
16:30 |
DF 11.6 |
Ab-initio determination of the pathways of laser-induced non-thermal melting of InSb — •Jessica Walkenhorst, Eeuwe S. Zijlstra, and Martin E. Garcia
16:50 |
DF 11.7 |
Determination of the light-induced absorption by transient grating spectroscopy — •Hauke Brüning, Bettina Schoke, and Mirco Imlau