Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 13: Thin Films and Nanostructures I
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 14:40–17:00, WIL B321
14:40 |
DF 13.1 |
Effects of microstructure on electric properties in BiFeO3 – RMnO3 thin films — •Claus-Henning Solterbeck, Abdelilah Lahmar, Salah Habouti, and Mohammed Es-Souni
15:00 |
DF 13.2 |
The influence of charged traps on leakage current through thin dielectric films — •Grzegorz Kozlowski, Jaroslaw Dabrowski, Piotr Dudek, Gunther Lippert, Grzegorz Lupina, and Hans-Joachim Müssig
15:20 |
DF 13.3 |
Humidity effects on electrical properties and thickness of P(VDF-TrFE) films. — •Gennady Vizdrik, Björn Martin, and Herbert Kliem
15:40 |
DF 13.4 |
Electrical characterization of ferroelectric tunnel junctions with ferromagnetic electrodes — •Mario Disch, Adrian Petraru, Michael Hambe, Markus Heidelmann, Martina Luysberg, Falk Amthor, Rainer Waser, Nagarajan Valanoor, and Hermann Kohlstedt
16:00 |
DF 13.5 |
Conductive atomic force microscopy studies of leakage spot evolution in thin (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1−x-films. — •Dominik Martin, Oliver Bierwagen, Matthias Grube, Lutz Geelhaar, and Henning Riechert
16:20 |
DF 13.6 |
Study of C60 based films formation by NEXAFS — •Daniel Friedrich, Marcel Michling, Jolanta Klocek, Dieter Schmeißer, Stas Avdoshenko, Dmytro Chumakov, and Ehrenfried Zschech
16:40 |
DF 13.7 |
Design of nanostructures with maximal magnetoresistance using genetic algorithms — •daungruthai jarukanont