Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 8: Glass I
Dienstag, 24. März 2009, 10:00–12:40, WIL B321
10:00 |
DF 8.1 |
Upconversion in fluorozirconate based glass ceramics for high efficiency solar cells — •Bernd Ahrens, Bastian Henke, Paul T. Miclea, and Stefan Schweizer
10:20 |
DF 8.2 |
Fluorescence efficiency of samarium-doped glasses and glass ceramics — •Marcel Dyrba, Bernd Ahrens, Paul T. Miclea, and Stefan Schweizer
10:40 |
DF 8.3 |
Improving up-conversion efficiency of rare earth ions by metallic nanoparticles — •Stefan Wackerow, Marcel Dyrba, Stefan Schweizer, Gerhard Seifert, and Heinrich Graener
11:00 |
DF 8.4 |
Correlation analysis of dielectric polarization noise in glass formers — •Jens Schindele, Andreas Reiser, and Christian Enss
11:20 |
DF 8.5 |
Investigation of the microscopic nature of tunnelling systems in glassy glycerol by using nuclear moments as local probes — •Masoomeh Bazrafshan, Celine Rüdiger, Gudrun Fickenscher, Andreas Fleischmann, and Christian Enss
11:40 |
DF 8.6 |
Mechanisms of atom dynamics on the microseconds scale during the alpha-decay in MD simulated glass forming Ni0.5Zr0.5. — •Helmar Teichler
12:00 |
DF 8.7 |
Length scale effects in amorphous metals investigated by mechanical loss spectroscopy — •Dennis Bedorf, Moritz Schwabe, and Konrad Samwer
12:20 |
DF 8.8 |
Influence of surfaces on dynamics in polymer thin films - a molecular dynamics study — •Christian Vree and Stefan Georg Mayr