09:30 |
DS 16.1 |
Novel dielectric surface modifications for high-performance perylene based thin-film-transistors — •Christian Effertz, Ingolf Segger, Philip Schulz, Stefan Lahme, Matthias Wuttig, Arno Classen, Gregor Darlinski, and Rainer Waser
09:30 |
DS 16.2 |
Trap-state influence on charge carrier transport in dielectric surface modified OTFTs — •Ingolf Segger, Christian Effertz, Stefan Lahme, Philip Schulz, and Matthias Wuttig
09:30 |
DS 16.3 |
Characterization of organic thin-film transistors using metal phthalocyanines as active layers — •Iulia Genoveva Korodi, Daniel Lehmann, and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
09:30 |
DS 16.4 |
Ambipolar charge carrier transport in evaporated layers of copper-phthalocyanine: Field-effect transistors and metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes — •Michael Kraus, Julia Wagner, Andreas Opitz, and Wolfgang Brütting
09:30 |
DS 16.5 |
Potentiometry of Operating High-Mobility n-Type OFETs — •Franziska Lüttich, Harald Graaf, Daniel Lehmann, Dietrich R. T. Zahn, and Christian von Borczyskowski
09:30 |
DS 16.6 |
A microstructural investigation of components of bottom-gate bottom-contact organic thin-film transistors to improve their performance — •Tossapol Tippo, Chanchana Thanachayanont, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, and Apinunt Thanachayanont
09:30 |
DS 16.7 |
Insulator Thickness Dependence of Organic Field-Effect Transistors. — •Atefeh Yousefi Amin, Arne Hoppe, Benedikt Gburek, and Veit Wagner
09:30 |
DS 16.8 |
Contact degradation of pentacene field-effect transistors — •Dagmawi Belaineh, Benedikt Gburek, and Veit Wagner
09:30 |
DS 16.9 |
Electronic and structural properties of graphene-based transparent and conductive thin film electrodes — •Antje Vollmer, Xinliang Feng, Xuan Wang, Linjie Zhi, Klaus Muellen, Juergen P. Rabe, and Norbert Koch
09:30 |
DS 16.10 |
Highly efficient organic blue light emitting devices using doped transport layers — •Nico Seidler, Sebastian Reineke, Karsten Walzer, Björn Lüssem, Ausra Tomkeviciene, Juozas V. Grazulevicius, and Karl Leo
09:30 |
DS 16.11 |
Top emitting white OLEDs — Patricia Freitag, Björn Lüssem, and •Karl Leo
09:30 |
DS 16.12 |
Charge carrier injection in organic light-emitting diodes studied by impedance spectroscopy and Kelvin probe measurements — •Stefan Nowy, Wei Ren, Julia Wagner, Josef A. Weber, and Wolfgang Brütting
09:30 |
DS 16.13 |
In situ Raman Spectroscopy and On-line Growth Monitoring of Indium Deposited on Copper Phthalocyanine Films — •Philipp Schäfer, Cameliu Himcinschi, Vasile Chis, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
09:30 |
DS 16.14 |
Ordered Phthalocyanine Films Investigated by Means of the Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect — •Michael Fronk, Björn Bräuer, Dietrich R.T. Zahn, and Georgeta Salvan
09:30 |
DS 16.15 |
In situ and ex situ Ellipsometry and Reflection Anisotropy Spectroscopy of rare-earth-diphthalocyanine filmes — •Falko Seidel, Cameliu Himcinschi, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
09:30 |
DS 16.16 |
The growth of thin phthalocyanine films probed by Raman scattering — •Britt-Elfriede Schuster, Cameliu Himcinschi, Philipp Schäfer, Heiko Peisert, Thomas Chassé, and Dietrich R. T. Zahn
09:30 |
DS 16.17 |
Energy levels of new perfluoroalkyl- substituted phthalocyanines derived from electrochemical characteristics — •Steffi Nagel, Martin Lener, Christopher Keil, Robert Gerdes, Sergiu Gorun, and Derck Schlettwein
09:30 |
DS 16.18 |
First optical investigation of the charged states of PTCDA in solid state — •Andreas Krause, Thomas Dienel, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
09:30 |
DS 16.19 |
Investigation of buried metal-organic interfaces with Photoelectron Spectroscopy (PES) — •Pavo Vrdoljak, Achim Schöll, Friedrich Reinert, and Eberhard Umbach
09:30 |
DS 16.20 |
Optical observation of charged organic molecules on metal surfaces — •Christian Golnik, Roman Forker, and Torsten Fritz
09:30 |
DS 16.21 |
Static and dynamic contact angle measurements on self-assembled monolayers covalently bond on silicon surfaces. — •David Polster, Harald Graaf, and Christian von Borczyskowski
09:30 |
DS 16.22 |
Self-assembled Silane monolayers on silicon oxide — •Harald Graaf, Christian Belgardt, David Polster, and Christian von Borczyskowski
09:30 |
DS 16.23 |
Investigation of the highly crystalline morphology of a low molecular weight oligoquaterthiophene fraction with low polydispersity — •Patrick Pingel, Dieter Neher, Markus Breusing, Thomas Elsaesser, Thomas Fischer, Joachim Stumpe, Jian Zhang, Norbert Koch, Sybille Allard, and Ullrich Scherf
09:30 |
DS 16.24 |
Study of Alkane Structure and Phase Transitions with X-Ray Reflectivity — Valeria del Campo, Edgardo A. Cisternas, Ignacio Vergara, Tomás Corrales, •Ulrich G. Volkmann, Haskell Taub, Haiding Mo, and Steven Ehrlich
09:30 |
DS 16.25 |
Reflectance spectroscopy of PMMA implanted with 50 keV silicon ions — •Bojana Florian, Ivan Stefanov, and Georgi Hadjichristov
09:30 |
DS 16.26 |
Dünne Schichten starker organischer Donor-Akzeptor-Systeme — •Milan Rudloff und Michael Huth
09:30 |
DS 16.27 |
Mechanical characterization of nanoscale silicon structures — Sven Niese, Michael Hecker, Yvonne Ritz, Ehrenfried Zschech, Paul S. Ho, and •Zhiquan Luo
09:30 |
DS 16.28 |
Interface Trap Density Extraction from Capacity- and Current-Voltage Measurements of Leaky High Dielectric Films — •Thomas Zilbauer, Torsten Sulima, Hermann Baumgärtner, and Ignaz Eisele
09:30 |
DS 16.29 |
Dependence of the deposition conditions on ZnO Surface morphology — •Viola Mönkemöller, Florian Lükermann, Marc Sacher, Armin Brechling, Ulrich Heinzmann, Henning Kurz, Frank Hamelmann, and Helmut Stiebig
09:30 |
DS 16.30 |
Combined MOKE and (GI)XRD studies on non-epitaxial and epitaxial thin magnetic films — •Timo Kuschel, Tobias Becker, Hauke Bardenhagen, Oliver Hoefert, Martin Suendorf, Bernd Zimmermann, Florian Bertram, Daniel Bruns, Michael Paulus, Christian Sternemann, Lars Boewer, and Joachim Wollschlaeger
09:30 |
DS 16.31 |
Effect of annealing and thickness of MgO films on magnetoresistive and electrical properties of CoFeB/MgO granular system — •Khalid Mehmood Bhutta, Jan Schmalhorst, and Günter Reiss
09:30 |
DS 16.32 |
Heusler thin film superlattices as model systems for thermoelectric materials — •Gerhard Jakob, Tobias Eichhorn, Joachim Barth, Gerhard Fecher, Claudia Felser, and Anke Weidenkaff
09:30 |
DS 16.33 |
Cerium oxide-based thin nanocrystalline Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electrolyte films — •Petr Straumal, Ata Myatiev, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
09:30 |
DS 16.34 |
Preparation of thin cobaltate and manganite films for thermoelectric applications — •Stefanie Wiedigen, Thilo Kramer, Jörg Hoffmann, and Christian Jooss
09:30 |
DS 16.35 |
Thermoelectric measurements on artificially structured ZnO/ZnS bars — •Gert Homm, Torsten Henning, Bruno K. Meyer, and Peter J. Klar
09:30 |
DS 16.36 |
High resolution electron microscopy and EELS investigations of arrays of Si nanopillars for thermoelectric applications — •Martin Schade, Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Frank Heyroth, Peter Werner, and Hartmut S. Leipner
09:30 |
DS 16.37 |
Thermoelectric wires of Pb5+xSb4−xS11+x/2 with micro- and nanodimensions containing various metal ordering — •Gerald Wagner, Ronny Kaden, Klaus Bente, and Hartmut S. Leipner
09:30 |
DS 16.38 |
Thermoelectric Multilayered Nanowires Grown by Single-Bath Electrodeposition — •William Töllner, Johannes Kimling, Renbin Yang, and Kornelius Nielsch
09:30 |
DS 16.39 |
Thermoelectrically effective mixed crystals in the system PbS - SnS — •Dzianis M. Unuchak, Vasiliy A. Ivanov, Klaus Bente, Reinhard Denecke, Igor Konovalov, Gert Kloess, and Valeriy F. Gremenok