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DS: Fachverband Dünne Schichten
DS 29: Nanoengineered Thin Films II
DS 29.4: Talk
Thursday, March 26, 2009, 12:00–12:15, GER 37
Effect of structure formation on electrical conductivity in thin ITO-films composed of nanoparticles — •Mahdi Mahajeri and Wolfgang Peukert — LFG, Friedrich- Alexander- Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg, Cauerstrasse 4, 91058 Erlangen
Due to high transparency in the visible wavelength region and excellent electrical conductivity, In2O3:Sn (ITO) is a promising candidate for application in printable electronics. Transparent conductive films of ITO are usually made by vapor deposition which results in high production costs. The use of ITO-nanoparticles in combination with wet deposition methods such as dip-coating offers a high potential for cost reduction. However, these techniques currently lead to an electrical conductivity, which order of magnitude is smaller than that of the layers produced by vapor deposition. The reasons for the low conductivity is the disperse nature and (surface / bulk) defects of the deposited ITO-thin films. The aim of our studies is to understand the correlation between structure formation and electrical conductivity. Therefore, we used ITO-suspensions with varying stabilities to fabricate the ITO-films. The morphology of the layer and structure formation was investigated with AFM, SEM, spectrophotometry and light microscopy. The conductivity was characterized by impedance spectrometry (IS), van der Pauw-method (vdP) and a four-probe setup. It was found that the charge transfer is directly correlated to the structure formation which is a function of the stabilization of the ITO-nanoparticles. The mechanism of charge transfer in the ITO-films is identified and found to be strongly dependent on the structure formation.