Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 33: Thermoelectric Thin Films and Nanostructures I
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 10:30–12:00, GER 38
10:30 |
DS 33.1 |
Topical Talk:
Preparation and Charakterisierung von thermoelektrischen Nanodrähten — •Friedemann Völklein, Reinhard Neumann, Sven Müller, Oliver Picht, Heiko Reith und Matthias Schmitt
11:00 |
DS 33.2 |
Thermoelectric transport in periodic 1D stacks of InAs/GaAs quantum dots — •Vladimir M. Fomin and Peter Kratzer
11:15 |
DS 33.3 |
Fabrication of Si and Si-Ge nanopillars for the investigation of thermoelectric properties — •Nadine Geyer, Bodo Fuhrmann, Manfred Reiche, Trung-Kien Nguyen-Duc, Silko Grimm, Hartmut S. Leipner, and Peter Werner
11:30 |
DS 33.4 |
Thermoelectric properties of thin films made from doped Si and Ge nanoparticles — •Konrad Schönleber, Robert Lechner, Roland Dietmüller, Martin S. Brandt, Hartmut Wiggers, and Martin Stutzmann
11:45 |
DS 33.5 |
Potential & Seebeck Microprobe -- Imaging of electrical and thermoelectric materials properties on the microscale — •Pawel Ziolkowski, Gabriele Karpinski, Dieter Platzek, Christian Stiewe, Ralf Hassdorf, and Eckhard Müller