Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 18: Granular matter / contact dynamics
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 16:15–18:45, HÜL 386
16:15 |
DY 18.1 |
Quasistatic rheology at random close packing — •Claus Heussinger and Jean-Louis Barrat
16:30 |
DY 18.2 |
Trigger of failure in granular assemblies — •Philipp Welker and Sean McNamara
16:45 |
DY 18.3 |
Theoretical Model of Avalanche Motion — •Birte Domnik, Christian Kröner, and Shiva P. Pudasaini
17:00 |
DY 18.4 |
Long-Time Tails and Cage Effect in Driven Granular Fluids — •Andrea Fiege, Timo Aspelmeier, and Annette Zippelius
17:15 |
DY 18.5 |
Measurement of fluctuation-dissipation temperature in a driven dense granular suspension. — •Sonia May, Alexander Buck, Harry Swinney, and Matthias Schröter
17:30 |
15 min. break.
17:45 |
DY 18.6 |
The Velocity Autocorrelation Function of a Driven Granular Fluid — •W. Till Kranz, Andrea Fiege, and Annette Zippelius
18:00 |
DY 18.7 |
Granular Robots — •Zeina Khan, Audrey Steinberger, Ralf Seemann, and Stephan Herminghaus
18:15 |
DY 18.8 |
Modelling particulate self-healing materials and application to uni-axial compression — •Olaf Herbst, Akke Suiker, and Stefan Luding
18:30 |
DY 18.9 |
Wet Discs Running Down an Inclined Plane — •Seyed Habibollah Ebrahimnazhad Rahbari, Martin Brinkmann, Juergen Vollmer, and Stephan Herminghaus