Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 4: Statistical physics in biological systems II (joint session DY/BP)
Montag, 23. März 2009, 14:00–16:45, HÜL 386
14:00 |
DY 4.1 |
Mechanisms of tissue maintenance: a laboratory for statistical physics — •Benjamin Simons
14:30 |
DY 4.2 |
A novel transition path sampling approach to assess multiple-state transition networks — •Jutta Rogal and Peter Bolhuis
14:45 |
DY 4.3 |
A stochastic model for tumor growth with immunization — •Thomas Bose and Steffen Trimper
15:00 |
DY 4.4 |
Complex dynamics of a population submitted to changing environment — •Michel Droz, Ioana Bena, Janusz Szwabinski, and Andrzej Pȩkalski
15:15 |
15 min. break.
15:30 |
DY 4.5 |
Active Dynamics of a Particle with Energetic Shot Noise — •Jessica Strefler, Werner Ebeling, Ewa Gudowska-Nowak, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
15:45 |
DY 4.6 |
Effects of intrinsic noise on models of epidemics — •Andrew Black and Alan McKane
16:00 |
DY 4.7 |
Collective motion due to individual escape and pursuit response — •Pawel Romanczuk, Iain D. Couzin, and Lutz Schimansky-Geier
16:15 |
DY 4.8 |
Continuum limit of phase oscillators with delayed coupling — •Luis G. Morelli, Saúl Ares, Andrew C. Oates, and Frank Jülicher
16:30 |
DY 4.9 |
Pinwheel Crystallization in a Competitive Hebbian Model of Visual Cortical Development — •Wolfgang Keil and Fred Wolf