09:30 |
HL 30.1 |
Comparison of the top-down and bottom-up approach to synthesise nanowire-based Si/Ge heterostructures — •Andreas Wolfsteller, Nadine Geyer, Trung-Kien Nguyen-Duc, Nikolai Zakharov, Manfred Reiche, Wilfried Erfurth, Ursel Doß, Horst Blumtritt, Peter Werner, and Ulrich Gösele
09:45 |
HL 30.2 |
Interplay between Si dangling bond states and P doping in freestanding Si nanocrystals — •Andre R. Stegner, Rui N. Pereira, Jinming Lu, Hartmut Wiggers, Martin S. Brandt, and Martin Stutzmann
10:00 |
HL 30.3 |
Fabrication of Silicon Nanostructures by Laser Interference Lithography and Metal-Induced Etching — •Johannes de Boor, Nadine Geyer, Dirk Hagen, Volker Schmidt, and Ulrich Gösele
10:15 |
HL 30.4 |
Electronic and transport properties of semiconducting nanoparticles — •Andreas Gondorf, Martin Geller, Daniel Tadych, Axel Lorke, Cedrik Meier, and Hartmut Wiggers
10:30 |
HL 30.5 |
Doping of vertical silicon nanowires by ion implantation — •Pratyush Das Kanungo, Reinhard Kögler, Nikolai Zakharov, Kien Ngyuen-Duc, Peter Werner, and Ulrich Gösele
10:45 |
HL 30.6 |
Polycrystalline silicon layers for large area electronics prepared by aluminum-induced layer exchange — •Christian Jaeger, Tobias Antesberger, Michael Algasinger, and Martin Stutzmann
11:00 |
HL 30.7 |
Electrical transport in undoped laser-crystallized polycrystalline silicon-germanium thin films — •Lars-Peter Scheller, Moshe Weizman, N. H. Nickel, and Baojie Yan
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
HL 30.8 |
Strained delta SiGe Layer for increasing ON current of Tunnel Field Effect Transistors (TFET) — •Helmut Lochner, Peter Iskra, Dorota Kulaga-Egger, Martin Schlosser, Thomas Zilbauer, Torsten Sulima, and Ignaz Eisele
11:45 |
HL 30.9 |
Electronic structure and effective masses in strained silicon — •Mohammed Bouhassoune and Arno Schindlmayr
12:00 |
HL 30.10 |
Phosphorus doping by chemical vapour deposition for vertical p-MOSFETs — •Peter Iskra, Dorota Kulaga-Egger, Thomas Zilbauer, Helmut Lochner, Torsten Sulima, and Ignaz Eisele
12:15 |
HL 30.11 |
Optical spin injection and two-color interference effects in Ge — •Julien Rioux and John E. Sipe
12:30 |
HL 30.12 |
Vanadium:Silicon - an ion-beam generated diluted magnetic semiconductor? — •Sibylle Gemming, Mike B. Thieme, and Kay Potzger
12:45 |
HL 30.13 |
Properties of Vacancies in Germanium Probed by Fast Diffusing Transition Metals — Ludmila Lerner and •Nicolaas Stolwijk