14:00 |
HL 33.1 |
Electrical characterization of InAs/GaAs (110) nanostructures by Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy — •Igor Beinik, Christian Teichert, Laura Díez-Merino, and Paloma Tejedor
14:15 |
HL 33.2 |
Nucleation of Au-induced GaAs Nanowires on Si(111) and GaAs(111)B — •Steffen Breuer, Maria Wagler, Lutz Geelhaar, Achim Trampert, and Henning Riechert
14:30 |
HL 33.3 |
Ga-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires by molecular beam epitaxy — •Sonja Heiderich, Mihail Ion Lepsa, and Detlev Grützmnacher
14:45 |
HL 33.4 |
Fabrication of longitudinal silicon nanowire heterostructures for implementation in field effect transistors — •Andre Heinzig and Walter M. Weber
15:00 |
15 min. break
15:15 |
HL 33.5 |
Local droplet etching of nanoholes and semiconductor quantum rings — •Christian Heyn, Andrea Stemmann, and Wolfgang Hansen
15:30 |
HL 33.6 |
In-situ study of catalyst-induced GaN nanowire nucleation — •Caroline Chèze, Lutz Geelhaar, Achim Trampert, Oliver Brandt, and Henning Riechert
15:45 |
HL 33.7 |
Catalyst free selective area MBE growth of InN nanocolumns on Si — •Boris Landgraf, Christian Denker, Joerg Malindretos, and Angela Rizzi
16:00 |
HL 33.8 |
GaN and InN nanowires: Si and Mg doping — Toma Stoica, Eli Sutter, Ralph Meijers, Ratan Debnath, Kulandaivel Jeganathan, Thomas Richter, Michel Marso, Hans Lüth, and •Raffaella Calarco
16:15 |
15 min. break
16:30 |
HL 33.9 |
In-situ RHEED study on the morphology of MBE-grown GaN nanowires — •Matthias Knelangen, Achim Trampert, Lutz Geelhaar, and Henning Riechert
16:45 |
HL 33.10 |
Local electrical analysis of a single semiconductor nanowire by Kelvin probe force microscopy — •Sasa Vinaji, André Lochthofen, Wolfgang Mertin, Ingo Regolin, Christoph Gutsche, Kai Blekker, Werner Prost, Franz Josef Tegude, and Gerd Bacher
17:00 |
HL 33.11 |
Ion Beam Induced Alignment of Semiconductor Nanowires — •Christian Borschel, Raphael Niepelt, Sebastian Geburt, Christoph Gutsche, Ingo Regolin, Werner Prost, Franz-Josef Tegude, Daniel Stichtenoth, Daniel Schwen, and Carsten Ronning