Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HL 42: Interfaces/surfaces
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 09:30–10:45, POT 51
09:30 |
HL 42.1 |
How a hydrogen passivated surface could appear to be metallic: the story of the 3C-SiC (001) 3x2 surface — •Peter Deak, Balint Aradi, and Thomas Frauenheim
09:45 |
HL 42.2 |
Control of Donor Charge States with the Tip of a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope — •K. Teichmann, M. Wenderoth, S. Loth, R. G. Ulbrich, J. K. Garlef, A. P. Wijnheijmer, and P. M. Koenraad
10:00 |
HL 42.3 |
Application of catalytic nanoparticles to wide bandgap semiconductor surfaces — •Susanne Schaefer, Sonja Wyrzgol, Yizhen Wang, Johannes Lercher, and Martin Stutzmann
10:15 |
HL 42.4 |
Surface states and origin of the Fermi level pinning on non-polar GaN(1100) surfaces — •Lena Ivanova, Svetlana Borisova, Holger Eisele, Mario Dähne, Ansger Laubsch, and Philipp Ebert
10:30 |
HL 42.5 |
Initial stages of GaN(0001)-2x2 - oxidation — •Pierre Lorenz, Richard Gutt, Juergen A. Schaefer, and Stefan Krischok