10:15 |
HL 5.1 |
Spatially resolved photoluminescence measurements for a comparative analysis of CuInS2 and Cu(In,Ga)S2 thin films — •Florian Heidemann, Levent Gütay, Rudolf Brüggemann, Saoussen Merdes, Alexander Meeder, and Gottfried H. Bauer
10:30 |
HL 5.2 |
Diffusion processes and chemical changes at the (Zn,Mg)O/ CuIn(S,Se)2 interface caused by RF magnetron sputtering deposition — •Felix Erfurth, Benjamin Hußmann, Lothar Weinhardt, Achim Schöll, Friedrich Reinert, Eberhard Umbach, Thomas Niesen, Jörg Palm, Sven Visbeck, Alexander Grimm, Iver Lauermann, and Reiner Klenk
10:45 |
HL 5.3 |
Mikroskopische Lumineszenzeigenschaften von polykristallinen CuInS2-Dünnschichten — •Anja Dempewolf, Frank Bertram, Alexander Franke, Thomas Hempel, Jürgen Christen, Joachim Klaer, Frank Wünsch und Thomas Schedel-Niedrig
11:00 |
HL 5.4 |
Spectral Response of CuIn1−xGaxSe2 Heterodiodes Operated at Constant VOC and Constant ISC Compared with Traditionally Recorded Spectral Quantum Yield — •Sven Burdorf, Rudolf Brüggemann, and Gottfried Heinrich Bauer
11:15 |
15 min. break
11:30 |
HL 5.5 |
Performance of InGaAsP/InGaAs tandem solar cells with an InGaAs/GaAsSb tunnel junction — •Erol Sagol, Nadine Szabo, Ulf Seidel, Christian Höhn, Klaus Schwarzburg, and Thomas Hannappel
11:45 |
HL 5.6 |
3D photonic crystal interlayers for mircomorph thin film silicon tandem cell — Andreas Bielawny, •Johannes Üpping, Paul T. Miclea, Ralf B. Wehrspohn, Carsten Rockstuhl, Falk Lederer, Marius Peters, Lorenz Steidl, Rudolf Zentel, Seung-Mo Lee, Mato Knez, Andreas Lambertz, and Reinhard Carius
12:00 |
HL 5.7 |
Silicon nitride passivation of phosphorus highly doped emitters for p-type silicon solar cells — •Kamal Katkhouda, Karsten Meyer, Kevin Lauer, Roman Petres, Sviatoslav Shokhovets, and Gerhard Gobsch
12:15 |
15 min. break
12:30 |
HL 5.8 |
Influence of the excess carrier density depth profile on the photoluminescence yield — •Sebastian Knabe and Gottfried H. Bauer
12:45 |
HL 5.9 |
Diffusion of substrate impurities into solar-grade CIGS layer structures — •Shahmahmood Obeidi, Roland Würz, Axel Eicke, and Nicolaas Stolwijk
13:00 |
HL 5.10 |
Carrier collection efficiency in chalcopyrite solar cells with varied absorber layer thickness — •Heiner Lendzian, Janet Neerken, Martin Knipper, Jürgen Parisi, Ingo Riedel, Stefan Jost, Thomas Dalibor, and Jörg Palm