10:15 |
MA 18.1 |
New ways of magnetoelastic measurements up to very high magnetic fields — •Mathias Doerr, Ariane Haase, Erik Kampert, Martin Rotter, Manuel Zschintzsch, Yasuo Narumi, and Michael Loewenhaupt
10:30 |
MA 18.2 |
Spin-phonon coupling in CuCrS2 probed by inelastic neutron scattering — •Julia C.E. Rasch, Martin Böhm, Jürg Schefer, Hannu Mutka, Galina M. Abramova, and Inga G. Vasilyeva
10:45 |
MA 18.3 |
Diffuse neutron scattering of interesting phases in Dy2Ti2O7 — •Jonathan Morris, Alan Tennant, Santiago Grigera, Kirrily Rule, and Bastian Klemke
11:00 |
MA 18.4 |
Electronic structure and nesting-driven enhancement of the RKKY interaction at the magnetic ordering propagation vector in Gd2PdSi3 and Tb2PdSi3 — •Dmytro Inosov, Daniil Evtushinsky, Andreas Koitzsch, Volodymyr Zabolotnyy, Sergey Borisenko, Alexander Kordyuk, Matthias Frontzek, Michael Loewenhaupt, Wolfgang Löser, Irina Mazilu, Holger Bitterlich, Günter Behr, Jens-Uwe Hoffmann, Rolf Follath, and Bernd Büchner
11:15 |
MA 18.5 |
Magnetic properties of LaO1−xFxFeAs — •Sangeeta Sharma, John Kay Dewhurst, Sam Shallcross, Christophe Bersier, Francesco Cricchio, Antonio Sanna, Sandro Massidda, E. K. U Gross, and Lars Nordstroem
11:30 |
MA 18.6 |
Stripes to bubble transition in Fe/Cu(001) observed using SEMPA in applied magnetic field — •Niculin Saratz, Andreas Lichtenberger, Urs Ramsperger, Thomas Bähler, and Danilo Pescia
11:45 |
MA 18.7 |
Chirality in Dy/Y Multilayer — •Dieter Lott, Sergey V. Grigoriev, Yury O. Chetverikov, and Andreas Schreyer
12:00 |
MA 18.8 |
Skyrmion textures in uniaxially distorted cubic helimagnets — •U.K. Rößler, A.B. Butenko, A.A. Leonov, and A.N. Bogdanov
12:15 |
MA 18.9 |
Torque anomalies at magnetization plateaux in quantum magnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions — •Salvatore R. Manmana and Frédéric Mila
12:30 |
MA 18.10 |
A generic phase diagram for R2PdSi3 (R = heavy rare earth)? — •Matthias Frontzek, Fei Tang, Peter Link, Jens-Uwe Hoffmann, Jean-Michel Mignot, and Michael Loewenhaupt
12:45 |
MA 18.11 |
Single-copy entanglement and entanglement spectrum in spin chains — •Masudul Haque and Andreas Lauchli