10:15 |
MA 21.1 |
Straining of Fe70Pd30 Films by Coherent Epitaxial Growth — •Jörg Buschbeck, Ingo Opahle, Gerhard Jakob, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Fähler
10:30 |
MA 21.2 |
Stress relaxation and structure of vapor deposited FePd MSM films — •Tobias Edler, Lisa Kühnemund, and Stefan Georg Mayr
10:45 |
MA 21.3 |
Characterization of the transformation behavior of Fe-Pd ferromagnetic shape memory splats — •Iris Kock, Sven Hamann, Stefan Mayr, and Alfred Ludwig
11:00 |
MA 21.4 |
Epitaxial growth of Ni2MnGa films on perovskite manganite oxides — •Yuansu Luo, Jan Petersen, and Konrad Samwer
11:15 |
MA 21.5 |
Adaptive martensite phase in constrained epitaxial Ni-Mn-Ga films — •Stefan Kaufmann, Ulrich Rößler, Robert Niemann, Oleg Heczko, Jörg Buschbeck, Ludwig Schultz, and Sebastian Fähler
11:30 |
MA 21.6 |
Magnetic control of twinning structure in thin Ni2MnGa films — •Tobias Eichhorn, Catherine Anne Jenkins, Michael Kallmayer, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Gerhard Jakob, and Michael Huth
11:45 |
MA 21.7 |
Twin variant distribution and twin boundary motion in single and polycrystalline Ni2MnGa imaged by electron back-scatter diffraction — •Nils Scheerbaum, Jian Liu, Ludwig Schultz, and Oliver Gutfleisch
12:00 |
MA 21.8 |
Ni-Mn-Ga: annealing for microstructure development — •Franziska Thoss, Martin Pötschke, Gaitzsch Uwe, Jens Freudenberger, Wolfgang Anwand, Stefan Roth, Bernd Rellinghaus, and Ludwig Schultz
12:15 |
MA 21.9 |
Twinning behaviour of textured polycrystalline NiMnGa — •Robert Chulist, Martin Pötschke, Andrea Böhm, Heinz-Günter Brokmeier, Thomas Lippmann, Carl-Georg Oertel, and Werner Skrotzki
12:30 |
MA 21.10 |
Preparation of textured Ni-Mn-Ga alloys — •Martin Pötschke, Uwe Gaitzsch, Claudia Hürrich, Franziska Thoss, Stefan Roth, Bernd Rellinghaus, and Ludwig Schultz
12:45 |
MA 21.11 |
Observation of pulsed field induced twin boundary motion in bulk NiMnGa — •Ryan Yiu Wai Lai, Jeffrey McCord, Rudolf Schaefer, and Ludwig Schultz