Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 28: Focused Session: Spin Transport and Coherence in Emerging Materials
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 14:45–17:45, HSZ 101
14:45 |
MA 28.1 |
Topical Talk:
Gate-tunable magnetic exchange and giant g-factor fluctuations in InAs nanowire quantum dots — Szabolcs Csonka, Lukas Hofstetter, Frank Freitag, •Christian Schönenberger, Thomas S. Jespersen, Martin Aagesen, and Jesper Nygard
15:15 |
MA 28.2 |
Topical Talk:
Spin transport theory in carbon-based materials — •Reinhold Egger
15:45 |
MA 28.3 |
Topical Talk:
Visualizing heat transport in quantum magnets — Marian Otter, Dmitry Fishman, Viktor V. Krashnikov, Maxim S. Pshenichnikov, Romualt Saint-Martin, Alexander Revcolevschi, and •Paul H.M. van Loosdrecht
16:15 |
15 Min. break
16:30 |
MA 28.4 |
Optically induced spin coherence by linear polarized light in InGaAs — •Klaus Schmalbuch, Stefan Göbbels, Marten Patt, Paul Schlammes, Christian Rodenbücher, Markus Hagedorn, Gernot Güntherodt, Thomas Schäpers, Mihael Lepsa, and Bernd Beschoten
16:45 |
MA 28.5 |
Spin resonance of electrons confined in low dimensional SiGe heterostructures — •Ferdinand Lipps, Fabio Pezzoli, Mathieu Stoffel, Armando Rastelli, Vladislav Kataev, Oliver G. Schmidt, and Bernd Büchner
17:00 |
MA 28.6 |
The Spin Polaron in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model at partial fillings of the conduction band using the density matrix renormalization group — •Sebastian Smerat, Ian P. McCulloch, Herbert Schoeller, and Ulrich Schollwöck
17:15 |
MA 28.7 |
Magnet heat transport of impurity doped spin chains — •N. Hlubek, C. Hess, U. Schaufuss, V. Kataev, C. Sekar, G. Krabbes, and B. Büchner
17:30 |
MA 28.8 |
Spin relaxation in graphene quantum dots — •Philipp Struck and Guido Burkard