Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 3: Magnetic Half Metals and Oxides
Montag, 23. März 2009, 11:00–13:15, HSZ 401
11:00 |
MA 3.1 |
Magneto-optical study of Co2-based Heusler compound thin films — •Simon Trudel, Jaroslav Hamrle, Oksana Gaier, Thomas Sebastian, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:15 |
MA 3.2 |
Surface properties of Co based full Heusler alloys — •Jan-Peter Wüstenberg, Sabine Neuschwander, Alexander Fischer, Martin Aeschlimann, and Mirko Cinchetti
11:30 |
MA 3.3 |
Investigation of the metal-insulator transition in a thin manganite film by STM/STS — •Christin Kalkert, Vasily Moshnyaga, Bernd Damaschke, and Konrad Samwer
11:45 |
MA 3.4 |
Correlation effects in p-electron magnets: the case of RbO2 — •Roman Kováčik and Claude Ederer
12:00 |
MA 3.5 |
Photolitchemically deposited amorphous iron(III) oxide exhibiting room-temperature ferromagnetism — •Simon Trudel and Ross H. Hill
12:15 |
MA 3.6 |
Phase transition and anomalous low temperature ferromagnetic phase in a Pr0.6Sr0.4MnO3 single crystal — •Sahana Roessler, Steffen Wirth, Frank Steglich, S Harikrishnan, C. M. Naveen Kumar, Suja Elizabeth, H. L. Bhat, and Ulrich Karl Roessler
12:30 |
MA 3.7 |
Magnetism without magnetic impurities in oxides ZrO2 and TiO2 — •Frantisek Maca, Josef Kudrnovsky, Vaclav Drchal, and Georges Bouzerar
12:45 |
MA 3.8 |
Effect of strain and magnetic interaction parameters in Fe2O3-FeTiO3 heterostructures — •Hasan Sadat Nabi and Rossitza Pentcheva
13:00 |
MA 3.9 |
Ultrafine nc-NiO: a Néel-type Random Ferrimagnet? — •Marek Petrik and Bernd Harbrecht