Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 32: Magnetic Thin Films III
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 10:15–12:30, HSZ 403
10:15 |
MA 32.1 |
Epitaxial growth of Heusler alloy cobalt iron silicide films on Si(111) and Si(001) substrates — •Marlene Zander, Kazuhide Kumakura, Achim Trampert, and Jens Herfort
10:30 |
MA 32.2 |
On amorphous CuMnAl- and NiTiAl-alloys, precursors of Half-Heusler and Heusler systems — Jan Rauchhaupt and •Peter Häussler
10:45 |
MA 32.3 |
Thickness and temperature dependent magnetization measurements on Fe3Si films on GaAs(001) — •Bernhard Krumme, Claudia Weis, Anne Warland, Carolin Antoniak, Dietger Bovenschen, Ulrich von Hörsten, Werner Keune, and Heiko Wende
11:00 |
MA 32.4 |
Magnetism and interface roughness in Fe/GaAs and Fe3Si/GaAs systems: An ab initio study — •Heike C. Herper and Peter Entel
11:15 |
MA 32.5 |
Epitaxial growth of magnetite thin films for spintronics — •Mehrdad Baghaie-Yazdi, Jose Kurian, Emanuel Ionescu, Erwin Hildebrandt, and Lambert Alff
11:30 |
MA 32.6 |
Large photoconductivity and light-induced recovery of the insulator-metal transition in La0.7Ce0.3MnO3−δ thin films — •Andreas Thiessen, Elke Beyreuther, Stefan Grafström, Kathrin Dörr, and Lukas M. Eng
11:45 |
MA 32.7 |
Analysis of electronic defect states in lanthanum manganite / strontium titanate heterointerfaces by photovoltage and photoconductivity spectroscopy — •Elke Beyreuther, Andreas Thiessen, Stefan Grafström, Kathrin Dörr, and Lukas M. Eng
12:00 |
MA 32.8 |
Frequency-dependent Ferromagnetic Resonance (FMR) on thin ironfilms on semiconducting substrates — •Christian Schöppner, Florian M. Römer, Christoph Hassel, Ralf Meckenstock, Jürgen Lindner, and Michael Farle
12:15 |
MA 32.9 |
Damping by slow relaxing rare earth impurities in Ni80Fe20 — •Matthias Kiessling, Georg Woltersdorf, Gereon Meyer, Jan-Ulrich Thiele, and Christian H. Back