11:00 |
MA 4.1 |
Spin-resolved excitations of single atoms with STM — •Kirsten von Bergmann, Sebastian Loth, Markus Ternes, Alexander F. Otte, Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin, Christopher P. Lutz, and Andreas J. Heinrich
11:15 |
MA 4.2 |
Right Rotating Néel Type Domain Walls in the Fe Doublelayer on/W(110) — •Stefan Meckler, Anett Pressler, Mike Gyamfi, Oswald Pietzsch, and Roland Wiesendanger
11:30 |
MA 4.3 |
SPEELS Studies of Oxygen Passivated Fe/W(100) Thin Films — •Yu Zhang, Jacek Prokop, Ioan Tudosa, Wen-Xin Tang, Thiago R. F. Peixoto, Khalil Zakeri, and Jürgen Kirschner
11:45 |
MA 4.4 |
Magnetic and structural investigations of self-organised iron based nanostructures on GaAs(110) — •Carsten Godde, Sani Noor, Athena Rastgoo Lahrood, Gregor Nowak, Hartmut Zabel, and Ulrich Köhler
12:00 |
MA 4.5 |
Visualizing the spin polarizaton of individual molecules — •Benjamin W. Heinrich, Mircea V. Rastei, Cristian Iacovita, Thomas Brumme, Jens Kortus, Laurent Limot, and Jean-Pierre Bucher
12:15 |
MA 4.6 |
The role of magnetic anisotropy in the Kondo effect — •Markus Ternes, Alexander F. Otte, Kirsten v. Bergmann, Sebastian Loth, Harald Brune, Christopher P. Lutz, Cyrus P. Hirijbehedin, and Andreas J. Heinrich
12:30 |
MA 4.7 |
Magnetic anisotropy of single 3d atoms on CuN surface — •Alexander B. Shick, Frantisek Maca, and Alexander I. Lichtenstein
12:45 |
MA 4.8 |
Comparing magnetic properties of Co adatoms measured with X-ray magnetic dichroism and spin excitation spectroscopy — •M. Etzkorn, C. Hirjibehedin, A. Lehnert, S. Stepanow, S. Ouazi, C. Tieg, P. Thakur, S. Rusponi, P. Gambardella, A. Heinrich, and H. Brune
13:00 |
MA 4.9 |
Magnetic Anisotropy of small metal clusters on Pt(111) — •Stefan Gerstl, Tobias Schuh, Timofey Balashov, Albert F. Takács, Sergey Ostanin, Arthur Ernst, Jürgen Henk, Toshio Miyamachi, Shigemasa Suga, Ingrid Mertig, Patrick Bruno, and Wulf Wulfhekel