11:00 |
MA 40.1 |
Functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes as container for Mn2+-based Molecular Magnets — •Janet Leschner, Christine Taeschner, Manfred Ritschel, Gesine Kreuzer, Mohammed Yehia, Jorge Borrero, Anupama Parameswaran, Rüdiger Klingeler, Vladislav Kataev, Albrecht Leonhardt, and Bernd Buechner
11:00 |
MA 40.2 |
Magnetic properties of novel binuclear metal-organic complexes — •A. Parameswaran, Y. Krupskaya, R. Klingeler, V. Kataev, I. Bezkishko, V. Miluykov, O. Kataeva, O. Sinyashin, and B. Büchner
11:00 |
MA 40.3 |
Mixed-valent maganese high-spin complexes studied by X-ray spectroscopy methods — •Miriam Baensch, Manuel Prinz, Christian Taubitz, Karsten Kuepper, Andreas Scheurer, Stefan Sperner, Rolf W. Saalfrank, Andrei Postnikov, and Manfred Neumann
11:00 |
MA 40.4 |
DFT studies of magnetic molecules — •Stefan Leiding and Juergen Schnack
11:00 |
MA 40.5 |
DMRG studies of magnetic molecules — •Joerg Ummethum and Juergen Schnack
11:00 |
MA 40.6 |
X-ray absorption spectroscopy of molecular magnets — •Zoe Kugler, Patryk Krzysteczko, Carl-Georg Freiherr von Richthofen, Elke Arenholz, Andy Thomas, Thorsten Glaser, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 40.7 |
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy on single molecule magnets in MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions — •Jana Münchenberger, Zoe Kugler, Andy Thomas, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 40.8 |
Investigation of Electronic Spin Dynamics in the Giant Keplerat Molecule Fe30Mo72 by 57Fe Moessbauer Spectroscopy and Magnetisation Measurements — •Til Dellmann, F. Jochen Litterst, H.-Henning Klauß, Jürgen Schnack, Bernd Büchner, Anupama Parameswaran, Rüdiger Klingeler, and Achim Müller
11:00 |
MA 40.9 |
Spin states of a novel Ni(II) trimer complex — •Y. Krupskaya, A. Parameswaran, A. Alfonsov, R. Klingeler, V. Kataev, B. Büchner, M. Gressenbuch, and B. Kersting
11:00 |
MA 40.10 |
Tuning the static and dynamic magnetization properties of exchange bias modulated thin films — •Christine Hamann, Jeffrey McCord, Jürgen Fassbender, Roland Mattheis, Rainer Kaltofen, Rudolf Schäfer, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.11 |
Modification of the magnetostatic coupling in NiFe/Au/Co/Au multilayers by He-ion bombardment through a nanosphere mask — •Oliver Buhl, Dieter Engel, Tanja Weis, Arno Ehresmann, W. Glapka, Piotr Kuswik, Maciej Urbaniak, M. Blaszczyk, Bogdan Szymanski, Feliks Stobiecki, Iosif Sveklo, Andrzej Maziewski, and K. Joszwiak
11:00 |
MA 40.12 |
Controlled positioning of nanobeads by strayfields of artificial topographically flat magnetic patterns generated by keV-He-ion bombardment — •Daniel Lengemann, Alla Albrecht, Jannick Langfahl-Klabes, Tanja Weis, Dieter Engel, and Arno Ehresmann
11:00 |
MA 40.13 |
Comparison of the behaviour of Magnetic Force Microscopy tips in measurements in external in-plane magnetic fields — •Christoph Schmidt, Tanja Weis, Dieter Engel, Arno Ehresmann, Volker Hoeink, Jan Schmalhorst, and Guenter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 40.14 |
Study of interfacial spin glass layer in exchange coupled Ni80Fe20/Ir19Mn81 bilayers — •S. K. Mishra, F. Radu, H. A. Dürr, and W. Eberhardt
11:00 |
MA 40.15 |
Highly ordered spin-states in epitaxial [Co/Cr/Fe/Cr(001)]n spin-valve type superlattices — •Frank Brüssing, Boris Toperverg, Maximilian Wolff, Hartmut Zabel, and Katharina Theis-Bröhl
11:00 |
MA 40.16 |
Superparamagnetic Switching of Two-dimensional Magnetic Islands Studied by Monte Carlo Simulation — •Thim Stapelfeldt, Elena Y. Vedmedenko, Stefan Krause, Gabriela Herzog, and Roland Wiesendanger
11:00 |
MA 40.17 |
Kondo effect in a magnetic trimer — •Philipp Knake and Alexander Chudnovskiy
11:00 |
MA 40.18 |
Influence of magnetostatic interaction between nanoparticles on the magnetization behavior : Comparison between experiments and simulations — •Srinivasa Rao Saranu, Brook Esseye Anshebo, and Ulrich Herr
11:00 |
MA 40.19 |
The use of XMCD to determine the magnetic and structural composition of nanoparticles — •Daniela Nolle, Eberhard Goering, Liberato Manna, Albert Figuerola, Thomas Tietze, Sebastian Brück, and Gisela Schütz
11:00 |
MA 40.20 |
Magnetic field effect on the assembly of FePt and CuAu nanoparticles from the gas phase on amorphous carbon — •Ute Queitsch, Inge Lindemann, Darius Pohl, Bernd Rellinghaus, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.21 |
Synthesis and magnetic characterisation of MnAs nanoparticles on GaAs surfaces — •Michael Wolff, Maria Messing, Knut Deppert, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 40.22 |
Tuning the Dimensionality and Magnetic Properties of Mixed Valence Mn(II)/Mn(III) Coordination Polymers — Sudarshana Mukherjee, Yanhua Lan, •George Kostakis, Redolphe Clérac, Christopher Anson, and Annie Powell
11:00 |
MA 40.23 |
Magnetoelastic effects of magnetic nanoparticles in a copolymer matrix — •W. Schirmacher, A. Omran, L. Schulz, S. Vallopilly, P. Böni, W. Petry, and P. Müller-Buschbaum
11:00 |
MA 40.24 |
Templated self-assembly of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in lithographically nanopatterned lines — •Maria Jose Benitez, Oleg Petracic, Mathias Feyen, Anhui Lu, and Hartmut Zabel
11:00 |
MA 40.25 |
The effect of the sputtering gas (Ar, Xe) on FePt clusters formation, structural and magnetic properties — •valentina cantelli, jörg grenzer, johannes von borany, and jürgen fassbender
11:00 |
MA 40.26 |
Influence of ligands on magnetic properties of chemically synthesized FePt-nanocrystallites — •Thomas Traußnig, Stephan Landgraf, Klemens Rumpf, Petra Granitzer, Ilse Letofsky-Papst, Karin Wewerka, Gerald Kothleitner, Heinz Krenn, and Roland Würschum
11:00 |
MA 40.27 |
Magnetische Nanopartikel als Ultraschall- / Viskositätssensoren. — •Christian Höhl, Nouri Elmiladi und Karl Maier
11:00 |
MA 40.28 |
Carbon coated Fe, Co and Ni Nanoparticles produced by High Pressure CVD and their potential for Medical Applications — •A. A. El-Gendy, E. M. M. Ibrahim, V. Khavrus, Y. Krupskaya, A. Leonhardt, R. Klingeler, and B. Büchner
11:00 |
MA 40.29 |
Magnetically filled Carbon Nanotubes for Hyperthermia — •Yulia Krupskaya, Christopher Mahn, Anupama Parameswaran, Arthur Taylor, Kai Krämer, Anja Wolter, Silke Hampel, Rüdiger Klingeler, and Bernd Büchner
11:00 |
MA 40.30 |
Magnetotransport studies of the anisotropic and domain wall magnetoresistance in Co nanowires — •Francis Bern, Jose Barzola-Quiquia, and Pablo Esquinazi
11:00 |
MA 40.31 |
Correlation of magnetic properties of electrodeposited Fe nanowires with deposition conditions and morphology — Veronika Hähnel, •Heike Schlörb, Sebastian Fähler, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.32 |
Weak electron localization and enhanced electron electron interaction in epitaxial Fe wires on GaAs(110) — •Christoph Hassel, Florian M. Römer, Günter Dumpich, and Jürgen Lindner
11:00 |
MA 40.33 |
Competition of Shape and Magnetocrystalline Anisotropies in Electrodeposited Co Nanowires — Ajeet K. Srivastav, •Heike Schlörb, Sebastian Fähler, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.34 |
Magnetoresistance Measurements of Magnetic Nanowires Lithographically Contacted by an Optical Microscope — •Tim Böhnert, Judith Moser, Kristina Pitzschel, Shadyar Farhangfar, Robert Zierold, Lars Bocklage, Ulrich Merkt, Guido Meier, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 40.35 |
Preparation of Ni nanowires on Si gratings and their properties — •Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner, Dieter Lott, Michael Störmer, Volker Neu, Cristina Bran, and Andreas Schreyer
11:00 |
MA 40.36 |
Magnetic nanowires and tubes with modulated diameter from a porous alumina template — •Kristina Pitzschel, Josep M. Montero Moreno, Ole Albrecht, Julien Bachmann, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 40.37 |
Synthesis of hard magnetically terminated carbon nanotube systems — •Franziska Schäffel, Christine Täschner, Mark H. Rümmeli, Christoph Schünemann, Albrecht Leonhardt, Bernd Rellinghaus, Bernd Büchner, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.38 |
Preparation and characterization of Ni2MnIn Heusler electrodes for spin valves — •Hauke Lehmann, Jan M. Scholtyssek, Jeannette Wulfhorst, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
11:00 |
MA 40.39 |
Tunable magnetic and magnetotransport properties of ZnxFe3−xO4 epitaxial films — •Michael Wagner, Deepak Venkateshvaran, Matthias Althammer, Andrea Nielsen, Sebastian Goennenwein, Matthias Opel, and Rudolf Gross
11:00 |
MA 40.40 |
The effect of oxygen nonstoichiometry on (Sr/La)2FeMoO6-d double perovskite — •Mikalai Kalanda, Anis Saad, Sergey Demyanov, and Alexander Petrov
11:00 |
MA 40.41 |
Soft x-ray holography of FIB nanostructured Co/Pt multilayers — •Daniel Stickler, Robert Frömter, Christian Menk, Holger Stillrich, Carsten Tieg, Simone Streit-Nierobisch, Christian Gutt, Lorentz-M. Stadler, Olaf Leupold, Gerhard Grübel, and Hans Peter Oepen
11:00 |
MA 40.42 |
Magnetic viscosity in Co/Pt multilayers on nanospheres — •Cristina Bran, Volker Neu, Ulrike Wolff, Till Ulbrich, Manfred Albrecht, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.43 |
Combining glancing angle deposition and atomic layer deposition towards complex magnetic nanostructures — •Ole Albrecht, Robert Zierold, Christian Patzig, Detlef Görlitz, Bernd Rauschenbach, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 40.44 |
Fabrication and magnetic properties of CFO films and arrays — •Sven Schnittger, Christian Jooss, and Sibylle Sievers
11:00 |
MA 40.45 |
Hard magnetic films on nanoparticle templates: An approach towards patterned and percolated media — •Christoph Brombacher, Christian Schubert, Andreas Teichgräber, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, Sara Romer-Urban, Denys Makarov, Marc Saitner, Christian Pfahler, Alfred Plettl, Paul Ziemann, and Manfred Albrecht
11:00 |
MA 40.46 |
Magnetic correlations in laterally patterned layered magnetic structures — •Elisabeth Josten, Ulrich Rücker, Sandra Gilles, Artur Glavic, and Thomas Brückel
11:00 |
MA 40.47 |
Tailoring particle arrays by reactive ion etching: A novel method to realize percolated media — •Daniel Assmann, Christoph Brombacher, Marc Saitner, Christian Pfahler, Alfred Plettl, Paul Ziemann, Denys Makarov, Martin Siekman, Leon Abelmann, Hartmut Rohrmann, and Manfred Albrecht
11:00 |
MA 40.48 |
Template-based electrodeposition of magnetic nanostructures — Iwona Dobosz, •Jakub Koza, Kristina Tschulik, Margitta Uhlemann, Annett Gebert, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.49 |
Characterization of nanostructured PdFe-alloy dots — •Alexandra Schumann, Melanie Ewerlin, Frank Brüssing, and Hartmut Zabel
11:00 |
MA 40.50 |
Vortex stabilization in magnetic trilayer dots — •Philipp Szary, Oleg Petracic, and Hartmut Zabel
11:00 |
MA 40.51 |
Synthesis of novel tubular shaped nanoparticles for application as a ferrofluid — •Robert Zierold, Julien Bachmann, Zhenyu Wu, Carl Krill, and Kornelius Nielsch
11:00 |
MA 40.52 |
Novel concepts for anisotropic Heisenberg modelling of multiferroic oxides — •Tim Kunze and Sibylle Gemming
11:00 |
MA 40.53 |
Spectromicrosopy of Ferroelectric and Magnetoelectric Nanostructures — •Ingo Krug, Nick Barrett, Adrian Petraru, Jean-Baptiste Moussy, Bertrand Vilquin, Hermann Kohlstedt, and Claus M. Schneider
11:00 |
MA 40.54 |
Electric field-control of remanent magnetization in multifunctional hybrids — •Andreas Brandlmaier, Matthias Brasse, Matthias Opel, Georg Woltersdorf, Rudolf Gross, and Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein
11:00 |
MA 40.55 |
Topology of the electric order in multiferroic orthorhombic DyMnO3 by SHG spectroscopy — •Tim Günter, Dennis Meier, Thomas Lottermoser, Dimitri Argyriou, and Manfred Fiebig
11:00 |
MA 40.56 |
Microstructure and magnetic properties of BaTiO3-(Ni,Zn)Fe2O4 multiferroics — •Michael R. Koblischka, Anjela Koblischka-Veneva, Michael Wick, Liliana Mitoseriu, and Uwe Hartmann
11:00 |
MA 40.57 |
Raman spectroscopy of the multiferroic manganite Eu(1-x)Y(x)MnO3 — •Sven Issing, Andrei Pimenov, Alexander A. Mukhin, and Jean Geurts
11:00 |
MA 40.58 |
Anisotropy of antiferromagnetic 180∘ domains in magnetoelectric LiMPO4 — •Anne Zimmermann, Bas B. van Aken, Jean-Pierre Rivera, Hans Schmid, and Manfred Fiebig
11:00 |
MA 40.59 |
Investigation of the magnetic configuration of LuFe2O4 by means of XMCD and multiplet calculations — •Christine Derks, Michael Raekers, Christian Taubitz, Karsten Kuepper, Stephen J. Blundell, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, and Manfred Neumann
11:00 |
MA 40.60 |
Multiferroic hysteresis in MnWO4 — •Thomas Finger, Alexander Komarek, Daniel Senff, Petra Becker-Bohaty, Ladislav Bohaty, Louis-Pierre Regnault, Karin Schmalzl, Wolfgang Schmidt, and Markus Braden
11:00 |
MA 40.61 |
Magnetic structure in multiferroic pyroxenes: (Na, Li)FeSi2O6 — •Max Baum, Alexander C. Komarek, Navid Qureshi, Petra Becker, Ladislav Bohatý, Martin Meven, M. Teresa Fernandez Diaz, Paul Steffens, and Markus Braden
11:00 |
MA 40.62 |
Pulsed laser deposited TbMnO3 thin films on YAlO3 with high crystalline quality — •Artur Glavic, Jürgen Schubert, Jörg Voigt, and Thomas Brückel
11:00 |
MA 40.63 |
Propagating and standing acoustic waves in Oxide multilayers — •Marc Herzog, Mareike Kiel, Ionela Vrejoiu, Marin Alexe, Dietrich Hesse, and Matias Bargheer
11:00 |
MA 40.64 |
Structural investigations of complex perovskite oxide films with X-ray diffraction — •Ksenia Boldyreva, Diana Rata, Andreas Herklotz, Orkidia Bilani-Zeneli, Ruben Hühne, Ludwig Schultz, and Kathrin Dörr
11:00 |
MA 40.65 |
Cobalt-InAs-hybrid-structures operated at ferromagnetic resonance — •Philippe Klemm, Sebastian Neusser, Bernhard Botters, Andreas Wittmann, Christian Heyn, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 40.66 |
Magnetic and nonmagnetic states in graphene — •Zhen Gang Zhu, Kai He Ding, and Jamal Berakdar
11:00 |
MA 40.67 |
Fabrication and analysis of Fe and Fe/MgO films on the GaAs(110) cleaved edge of an LED structure for spin injection — •Hasmik Harutyunyan, Carsten Godde, Sani Noor, Ulrich Köhler, Arne Ludwig, Dirk Reuter, and Andreas D. Wieck
11:00 |
MA 40.68 |
Elliott-Yafet spin relaxation mechanism in metals: an ab initio approach — Martin Gradhand, Dmitry Fedorov, Michael Czerner, •Peter Zahn, and Ingrid Mertig
11:00 |
MA 40.69 |
Spin dynamics in ferromagnetic antidot lattices — •Sebastian Neusser, Bernhard Botters, Georg Dürr, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 40.70 |
Magnetization dynamics of nanoparticles subject to continuous magnetic fields or ultra short magnetic pulses — •Alexander Sukhov and Jamal Berakdar
11:00 |
MA 40.71 |
Spin-transfer torque in tunnel junctions: Comparison of ab initio and simple models — •Asma H. Khalil, Arne G. Christen, Paul M. Haney, Mark D. Stiles, and Christian Heiliger
11:00 |
MA 40.72 |
Tunneling of spin waves through a mechanical gap — •Thomas Schneider, Alexander A. Serga, Andrii V. Chumak, Mikhail P. Kostylev, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 40.73 |
Spin wave generation by photon coupled exchange magnons — •Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka, Christian Sandweg, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 40.74 |
Multiple spin-wave pulse recovery by parallel pumping — •Volker Kegel, Sebastian Schäfer, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 40.75 |
Improvement of the spin torque reversal by resonant microwave currents — •Lukas Fricke, Santiago Serrano-Guisan, and Hans-Werner Schumacher
11:00 |
MA 40.76 |
Trajectory imaging of current-induced gyrotropic vortex motions — •Martin Müller, Christian Dietrich, Christian Back, Dieter Weiss, and Josef Zweck
11:00 |
MA 40.77 |
Spatially and Time-Resolved Scanning Kerr Microscopy on Permalloy Microstructures — •Andreas Krohn, Sebastian Mansfeld, Felix H. R. Balhorn, Detlef Heitmann, and Stefan Mendach
11:00 |
MA 40.78 |
Spin-wave excitation in Permalloy by oscillating pinned domain walls — •Christopher Rausch, Sebastian Hermsdörfer, Helmut Schultheiß, Sebastian Schäfer, Philipp Pirro, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 40.79 |
2D approach to the k-vector resolution of the Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy — •Benjamin Jungfleisch, Christian W. Sandweg, Vitaliy I. Vasyuchka, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 40.80 |
Laser-Induced Generation and Quenching of Magnetization on FeRh Investigated with Time-Resolved X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism — •Ilie Radu, Christian Stamm, Niko Pontius, Torsten Kachel, Paul Ramm, Jan-Ulrich Thiele, Hermann Dürr, and Christian Back
11:00 |
MA 40.81 |
Current induced switching of MgO-based MTJs at different temperatures — •Markus Schäfers, Andy Thomas, Karsten Rott, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 40.82 |
Interdigital transducers for surface acoustic wave radiation onto ferromagnetic films — •Rupert Huber, Bernhard Botters, Sebastian Neusser, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 40.83 |
Observation of reversible current-induced vortex core displacements in magnetic disks — •Lutz Heyne, Jan Rhensius, Dennis Ilgaz, Mathias Kläui, and Ulrich Rüdiger
11:00 |
MA 40.84 |
Electron Spin Resonance in 2D triangular Cr-spin lattices — •Mamoun Hemmida, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda, and Alois Loidl
11:00 |
MA 40.85 |
Dissipation and coupling of spin-wave eigenmodes in nano-scaled magnetic ring structures — •Katrin Vogt, Helmut Schultheiß, Björn Obry, Christian Sandweg, Sebastian Hermsdörfer, Sebastian Schäfer, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 40.86 |
Time resolved field induced domain wall excitations in permalloy wires — •Jan Rhensius, Lutz Heyne, Dirk Backes, Stephen Krzyk, Dennis Ilgaz, Mathias Kläui, Laura J. Heyderman, Ulrich Rüdiger, Frithjof Nolting, and Arantxa Fraile-Rodriguez
11:00 |
MA 40.87 |
Field- and Current-induced Domain Wall Motion in Ho-doped Permalloy Nanowires probed by single shot Kerr-microscopy — •Philipp Möhrke, Thomas A. Moore, Mathias Kläui, Stephen Krzyk, Jan Rhensius, Dirk Backes, Laura J. Heyderman, and Ulrich Rüdiger
11:00 |
MA 40.88 |
Current induced domain wall motion in out-of-plane magnetized magnetic nanowires characterized by high resolution magnetic imaging — •Olivier Boulle, Lutz Heyne, Jan Heinen, Jan Rhensius, Mathias Kläui, and Ulrich Rüdiger
11:00 |
MA 40.89 |
Microwave-Assisted Magnetization Reversal in Ni80Fe20 Nanowires: Reduced Critical Fields in Arrays with sub 100 nm Spacing — •Jesco Topp, Stefan Mendach, Detlef Heitmann, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 40.90 |
Magnetization dynamics in curved permalloy nanowires — •Sandra Motl-Ziegler, Lars Bocklage, Toru Matsuyama, Jesco Topp, Markus Bolte, and Guido Meier
11:00 |
MA 40.91 |
Inductive detection of spin wave propagation in permalloy thin films — •Georg Dürr, Sebastian Neusser, Bernhard Botters, and Dirk Grundler
11:00 |
MA 40.92 |
Effect of a DC current on the magnetization dynamics in spin-valve nanocontacts — •Abdelghani Laraoui, Florin Ciubotaru, Helmut Schultheiß, Alexander Serga, Sebastian Hermsdörfer, Maarten van Kampen, Liesbet Lagae, Britta Leven, Andrei N. Slavin, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:00 |
MA 40.93 |
Anisotropy dependence of domain structure and magnetization dynamics in magnetic thin film elements — •Claudia Patschurek, Jeffrey McCord, Rainer Kaltofen, Rudolf Schäfer, and Ludwig Schultz
11:00 |
MA 40.94 |
Tunnel magnetoresistance and spin dependent shot noise in carbon nanotube quantum dot in the Kondo regime — •Stanislaw Lipinski and Damian Krychowski
11:00 |
MA 40.95 |
AC Transport in thin manganite films — •Sebastian Hühn, Kai Gehrke, Vasily Moshnyaga, and Konrad Samwer
11:00 |
MA 40.96 |
Electronic structure in mesoscopic systems under finite bias — •Steven Walczak, Michael Czerner, Christian Heiliger, and Ingrid Mertig
11:00 |
MA 40.97 |
Direct measurement of the spin polarization of Co-Fe and Co-Fe-B — •Savio Fabretti, Oliver Schebaum, Andy Thomas, Günter Reiss, and Jagadeesh Moodera
11:00 |
MA 40.98 |
Measurement of the spin polarisation of the current through nanostructured Al/Fe and Nb/Fe point contacts — •Konstantin Mirlin, Samuel Bouvron, Michael Marz, Gernot Goll, Christoph Sürgers, and Hilbert v. Löhneysen
11:00 |
MA 40.99 |
In-situ Preparation and Characterization of Tailored Magnetic Nanocontacts — Stephen Krzyk, Ajit Patra, •Andre Bisig, Mathias Kläui, and Ulrich Rüdiger
11:00 |
MA 40.100 |
Annealing behaviour of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions — Sebastian Ringer, Michael Vieth, Ludwig Bär, Manfred Rührig, and •Günther Bayreuther
11:00 |
MA 40.101 |
Magnetoresistance and electroresistance in BiMnO3 based tunnel junctions — •Nicki Hinsche, Michael Fechner, Igor Maznichenko, Peter Bose, Sergei Ostanin, Arthur Ernst, Juergen Henk, Peter Zahn und Ingrid Mertig
11:00 |
MA 40.102 |
Dielectric Breakdown and inelastic electron tinneling spectroscopy of top pinned and bottom pinned Co-Fe-B/MgO/Co-Fe-B magnetic tunnel junctions — •Ayaz Arif Khan, Jan Schmalhorst, Karsten Rott, Andy Thomas, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 40.103 |
Preparation and characterization of sputtered CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB based TMR magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) — •Neda Sadrifar, Senthilnathan Mohanan, Sören Selve, Ute Kaiser, and Ulrich Herr
11:00 |
MA 40.104 |
Properties of ferromagnetic tunnel junctions with organic spacer layers — •Hartmut Vinzelberg, Joachim Schumann, Dieter Elefant, Jürgen Thomas, and Bernd Büchner
11:00 |
MA 40.105 |
Tunnel magnetoresistance in Al2O3 – MgO composite magnetic tunnel junctions — •Oliver Schebaum, Volker Drewello, Alexander Auge, Andy Thomas, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 40.106 |
Inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy of magnetic tunnel junctions with different electrode designs and barrier materials — •Volker Drewello, Markus Schäfers, Oliver Schebaum, Andy Thomas, and Günter Reiss
11:00 |
MA 40.107 |
Investigation of thermally evaporated Fe/MgO/Fe MTJs and NaCl layers — •Jan Rogge, Anna Regtmeier, and Andreas Hütten
11:00 |
MA 40.108 |
Magnetic properties of Co2FeSi thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering using different target compositions — •Daniel Ebke, Jan Schmalhorst, Andy Thomas, Andreas Hütten, and Günter Reiss