Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MA 5: Electron Theory of Magnetism
Montag, 23. März 2009, 11:00–13:15, HSZ 103
11:00 |
MA 5.1 |
Ab initio calculation of the full anti-symmetric conductivity tensor for magnetically ordered systems — •Stephan Lowitzer, Diemo Ködderitzsch, and Hubert Ebert
11:15 |
MA 5.2 |
Spin-polarized relativistic optimized effective potential method for open-shell atoms and magnetic solids — •Diemo Ködderitzsch, Hubert Ebert, and Eberhard Engel
11:30 |
MA 5.3 |
Investigating magnetic properties of Heusler compounds with ab initio calculations — •Jan Thoene, Gerhard H. Fecher, Stanislav Chadov, Claudia Felser, and Jürgen Kübler
11:45 |
MA 5.4 |
Local correlation effects in Co2Mn1−xFexSi Heusler alloys — •Stanislav Chadov, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, Jan Minár, Jürgen Braun, and Hubert Ebert
12:00 |
MA 5.5 |
Atom- and bond-resolved analysis of the magnetic anisotropy in multicomponent systems — •Sergej Subkow, Matej Komelj, and Manfred Fähnle
12:15 |
MA 5.6 |
Lifshitz transitions in FePt due to a canted magnetic field — •Hongbin Zhang and Manuel Richter
12:30 |
MA 5.7 |
A new scheme to calculate the exchange coupling tensor — •Sergey Mankovsky and Hubert Ebert
12:45 |
MA 5.8 |
Spin-wave excitations from time-dependent density-functional theory — Manfred Niesert, Arno Schindlmayr, Christoph Friedrich, and •Stefan Blügel
13:00 |
MA 5.9 |
Electronic structure calculations of uranium compounds — •Carsten Neise, Manuel Richter, Klaus Koepernik, and Helmut Eschrig