Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 16: Diffusion and Point Defects I
Dienstag, 24. März 2009, 11:30–12:30, IFW B
11:30 |
MM 16.1 |
Diffusion and Crystallization in Magnetron Sputtered SiC Films — •Wolfgang Gruber and Harald Schmidt
11:45 |
MM 16.2 |
Atom Jumps Studied by Coherent Synchrotron Radiation — •Gero Vogl, Michael Leitner, Bastian Pfau, Bogdan Sepiol, and Lorenz-Mathias Stadler
12:00 |
MM 16.3 |
Self-diffusion in Germanium at Low Temperatures — •Erwin Hüger, Ursula Titze, Dieter Lott, Hartmut Bracht, Dominique Bougeard, Eugene E. Haller, and Harald Schmidt
12:15 |
MM 16.4 |
Defect structures in CaF2 for optical applications — •Stephan Rix, Marisa Aigner, Claudia Felser, Martin Letz, Ute Natura, and Lutz Parthier