14:45 |
MM 20.1 |
Radiotracer Diffusion of Iron and Phosphorus in Sintered Iron Powders — •Deniz Yüksel, Sergiy Divinski, and Gerhard Wilde
14:45 |
MM 20.2 |
Schadensvorhersage an vordeformiertem und wechselbelastetem Karbonstahl — •Patrick Eich, Matz Haaks und Karl Maier
14:45 |
MM 20.3 |
Diffusion of Gold in Lead Investigated by Neutron Activation Analysis — •Dirk Böckmann and Nicolaas Stolwijk
14:45 |
MM 20.4 |
Investigation of point defects in the cathode material LiCoO2: first-principles calculations — •Melanie Gröting, Peter C. Schmidt, and Karsten Albe
14:45 |
MM 20.5 |
Spin-phonon scattering and heat transport in spin ladders — •Christina Seidler and Wolfram Brenig
14:45 |
MM 20.6 |
Characterization of the Brittle-to-Ductile Transition in NiAl Single Crystals — •Michael Scharnweber, Carl-Georg Oertel, and Werner Skrotzki
14:45 |
MM 20.7 |
How to apply a simulation of field evaporation of intermetallic phases to extract material parameters — •Torben Boll and Talaat Al-Kassab
14:45 |
MM 20.8 |
Analysis of GPB zones of AlMgCu alloys — •Iris Kohlbach, Björn Korff, Benedikt Klobes, Torsten Staab, Matz Haaks, and Karl Maier
14:45 |
MM 20.9 |
Concerning the superstructure of rare earth compounds RE2PdSi3 — Julia Dshemuchadse, •Tilmann Leisegang, Robert Mietrach, Matthias Zschornak, Torsten Weißbach, Thomas Führlich, and Dirk C. Meyer
14:45 |
MM 20.10 |
X-ray Diffraction Analysis and Metal Physics Modeling of Static Strain Aging and Thermal Dislocation Recovery in the Mechanically Affected Zone of Surface Finished Hardened Steel — •Jürgen Gegner
14:45 |
MM 20.11 |
Investigation of structure dependent resonances in split-ring resonators by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy — •Stefan Waselikowski, Markus Walther, and Hanspeter Helm
14:45 |
MM 20.12 |
Computational Study of Effective Viscosity using a coupled phase-field and Lattice Boltzmann model — •Ali Aksi, Michael Selzer, and Britta Nestler
14:45 |
MM 20.13 |
Materials science and reverse bioengineering - Status and potential Applications of the nanofocus endstation of µSAXS-beamline at Petra III — •Christina Krywka, Stephan Roth, and Martin Müller
14:45 |
MM 20.14 |
Utilization of thermodynamic databases for phasefield-simulations — •Sebastian Schulz, Abhik Choudhury, and Britta Nestler
14:45 |
MM 20.15 |
3D Polycrystalline grain structures under the influence of elastic forces — Mathias Reichardt, •Marcus Jainta, Michael Selzer, and Britta Nestler
14:45 |
MM 20.16 |
From DFT to TB: A reliable derivation of tight-binding parameters for hard materials — •Martin Reese, Matous Mrovec, Bernd Meyer, and Christian Elsässer
14:45 |
MM 20.17 |
Modelling particulate self-healing materials and application to uni-axial compression — •Olaf Herbst, Akke Suiker, and Stefan Luding
14:45 |
MM 20.18 |
The relationship between the sinter-atmosphere and the phase modification of TiO2 at high temperatures — •Nicole Pfeiffer, Abdelilah Lahmar, Salah Habouti, Matthias Dietze, Claus-Henning Solterbeck, and Mohammed Es-Souni
14:45 |
MM 20.19 |
Performance analysis of a parallel simulator for phase-field models — •Alexander Vondrous, Michael Selzer, Britta Nestler, and Marcus Jainta
14:45 |
MM 20.20 |
Polarization dependent Raman spectroscopy of LiBH4 single crystals — •Britta Willenberg, Florian Gebert, and Joachim Schoenes
14:45 |
MM 20.21 |
Low temperature Raman spectroscopy of Mg(BH4)2 and Mg(BD4)2 — •Florian Gebrt, Britta Willenberg, Joachim Schoenes, Michiel van Setten, Christoph Frommen, and Maximilian Fichtner