Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 21: Topical Session Nanoporous Functional Materials - Poster
Dienstag, 24. März 2009, 14:45–16:30, P4
14:45 |
MM 21.1 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocomposites for Application as Nanoporous Cathodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell — •Azad J. Darbandi and Horst Hahn
14:45 |
MM 21.2 |
Metals with tunable properties based on porous nanostructures — •Thomas Traußnig, Klemens Rumpf, Petra Granitzer, Stephan Landgraf, Heinz Krenn, and Roland Würschum
14:45 |
MM 21.3 |
Study on structural and electrical properties of Al-doped ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel method — •Babak Nasr, Subho Dasgupta, Robert Kruk, and Horst Hahn
14:45 |
MM 21.4 |
Nanoindentation and micro-compression testing of nanoporous gold — •Eike Epler, T. John Balk, and Cynthia A. Volkert
14:45 |
MM 21.5 |
Thermodynamic Investigations of Nitrogen confined in Mesopores — •Sebastian Mörz and Patrick Huber
14:45 |
MM 21.6 |
Phase Transitions and Molecular Dynamics of n-Alcohols Confined in Mesoporous Silicon — •Rene Berwanger and Rolf Pelster
14:45 |
MM 21.7 |
Dynamics and Structure of n-Nonanol Confined in Silicon Nanochannels — •Christoph Schuhmacher, Rene Berwanger, and Rolf Pelster
14:45 |
MM 21.8 |
Optical birefringence study of molecular ordering in tubular silica nanochannels — •Matthias Wolff, Andriy Kityk, Klaus Knorr, and Patrick Huber
14:45 |
MM 21.9 |
Transfer of length scales and periodicity of nanowires grown in templates — •Hong-Dan Yan, Peter Lemmens, Hanno Dierke, Andreas Kruse, Dirk Menzel, Frank Ludwig, and Meinhard Schilling