Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 26: Nanostructured Materials I
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 10:15–11:15, IFW B
10:15 |
MM 26.1 |
Photoexcitation of Volume Plasmons in Metallic Nanostructures — •Katja Ehrhold, Ulrich Gösele, and Silke Christiansen
10:30 |
MM 26.2 |
Formation of dendritic metallic nanowires — •Nitesh Ranjan, Hartmut Vinzelberg, and Michael Mertig
10:45 |
MM 26.3 |
A structure-induced metal-insulator transition in thin MoS nanowires — Igor Popov, Gotthard Seifert, and •Sibylle Gemming
11:00 |
MM 26.4 |
Conductivity and shot noise in graphene at high bias voltages — •Aurelien Fay, Romain Danneau, Fan Wu, Matti Tomi, Julien Wengler, and Pertti Hakonen