Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 34: Liquid and Amorphous Metals I
Mittwoch, 25. März 2009, 14:45–16:30, IFW D
14:45 |
MM 34.1 |
On systematics of the atomic structure of liquid and amorphous elements along the periodic table — •Peter Häussler
15:00 |
MM 34.2 |
Supercooled and glass-forming liquids as Skyrmionic textures — •Andrei A. Leonov, U.K. Rößler, and A.N. Bogdanov
15:15 |
MM 34.3 |
Stokes-Einstein relation in computer simulated bulk glass forming Cu33Zr67 melts — •xiujun han and herbert schober
15:30 |
MM 34.4 |
Density, surface tension and viscosity of ternary CuCoNi alloys — •Michael Schick, Jürgen Brillo, and Ivan Egry
15:45 |
MM 34.5 |
The hydrodynamic limit in liquid titanium: At which length and time scales is it valid? — •Jürgen Horbach and Andreas Meyer
16:00 |
MM 34.6 |
Laser induced non-thermal melting of germanium — •Momar S. Diakhate, Harald O. Jeschke, and Martin E. Garcia
16:15 |
MM 34.7 |
Liquid Phase Separation in Gd-Zr and Gd-Ti Melts — •Steffen Schmitz, Hans-Günther Lindenkreuz, Norbert Mattern, Wolfgang Löser, and Bernd Büchner