Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 42: Nanostructured Materials III
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 14:00–15:45, IFW A
14:00 |
MM 42.1 |
Virtual diffraction of MD-simulated nanocrystalline Pd under compression — •Jürgen Markmann, Dmitriy Bachurin, Peter Gumbsch, and Jörg Weissmüller
14:15 |
MM 42.2 |
Segregation-induced near-surface lattice strain in CuAu nanoparticles — •Darius Pohl, Elias Mohn, Juri Barthel, Karsten Albe, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernd Rellinghaus
14:30 |
MM 42.3 |
Size-dependence melting transformation of nanoparticles confined in an Al-rich glass — •Nancy Boucharat, Harald Rösner, and Gerhard Wilde
14:45 |
MM 42.4 |
Gold nanoparticles under synchrotron X-rays — •Chang-Hai Wang, Chi-Jen Liu, Tzu-En Hua, Chia-Chi Chien, Wei-Hua Leng, Shin-Tai Chen, Cheng-Liang Wang, and Yeu-Kuang Hwu
15:00 |
MM 42.5 |
Temperature dependent vibrational fingerprints of gold nano clusters: a DFT study — •Luca Ghiringhelli and Matthias Scheffler
15:15 |
MM 42.6 |
Delocalization mechanisms of excess free-volume in nanoglasses — •Daniel Sopu, Karsten Albe, Yvonne Ritter, and Herbert Gleiter
15:30 |
MM 42.7 |
Mechanical alloying of Fe-Cu powders: elaborating the microstructure at various scales — •Catharina Wille, Taláat Al-Kassab, Pyuck-Pa Choi, and Reiner Kirchheim