Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 45: Phase Transitions III
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 15:15–16:30, IFW B
15:15 |
MM 45.1 |
Colloidal model systems for undercooled metallic melts — •Ina Klassen, Patrick Wette, Dirk Holland-Moritz, Thomas Palberg, Stephan V. Roth, and Dieter M. Herlach
15:30 |
MM 45.2 |
Crystal growth in metallic melts: A computer simulation study — •Roberto Rozas Cardenas and Jürgen Horbach
15:45 |
MM 45.3 |
Investigation of nucleation in undercooled melts of pure metals — •Stefan Klein and Dieter M. Herlach
16:00 |
MM 45.4 |
Undercooling and solidification of Ni2B under different conditions of convection — •Sven Binder, Jianrong Gao, and Dieter M. Herlach
16:15 |
MM 45.5 |
Crystal growth in undercooled NiZr melt: Linking phase-field modeling to molecular dynamics simulations — •Mohammed Guerdane, Denis Danilov, Frank Wendler, Helmar Teichler, and Britta Nestler