18:30 |
O 27.1 |
Design of an XSTM head for low temperature high magnetic field studies of III-V heterostructures — •Bruno Chilian, Jens Wiebe, and Roland Wiesendanger
18:30 |
O 27.2 |
A STM with a scan width from 500 microns down to subnanometers — •Fatih Kalkan and Karina Morgenstern
18:30 |
O 27.3 |
Characterization of Epitaxial Layers of Organic Molecules by Three-Dimensional Force- and Dissipation-Spectroscopy — •Gernot Langewisch, Daniel Braun, Harald Fuchs, and Andre Schirmeisen
18:30 |
O 27.4 |
Controlled Atmosphere High Temperature SPM for electrochemical measurements — •Nils Ohmer, Mogens Mogensen, Bjørn Johansen, and Torben Jacobsen
18:30 |
O 27.5 |
Development of a combined AFM-STM for measurements under transport conditions and at low temperatures — •Jan Raphael Bindel, Marcus Liebmann, and Markus Morgenstern
18:30 |
O 27.6 |
Force-field spectroscopy on KBr(001): Experiment and simulation — •Kai Ruschmeier, André Schirmeisen, and Regina Hoffmann
18:30 |
O 27.7 |
Indium microsoldering of graphene on silicon dioxide substrate — •Ann-Katrin Michel, Viktor Geringer, Tim Echtermeyer, Marcus Liebmann, and Markus Morgenstern
18:30 |
O 27.8 |
Controlled nanoparticle manipulation along defined vector pathways — •Michael Feldmann, Dirk Dietzel, and André Schirmeisen
18:30 |
O 27.9 |
Nanoscale charge transport measurements using a multi-tip scanning tunneling microscope — Philipp Jaschinsky, Jakob Wensorra, Mihail Ion Lepsa, and •Bert Voigtländer
18:30 |
O 27.10 |
s-SNOM from IR to the THz with tuned scatterers — •Hans-Georg von Ribbeck, Marc Tobias Wenzel, and Lukas Matthias Eng
18:30 |
O 27.11 |
High Order Field Emission Resonances on W(110) and Fe/W(110) studied by Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy — •Anika Emmenegger, Stefan Krause, André Kubetzka, Gabriela Herzog, and Roland Wiesendanger
18:30 |
O 27.12 |
Microscopically high speed friction measurements — •Fengzhen Zhang, Othmar Marti, Stefan Walheim, and Thomas Schimmel
18:30 |
O 27.13 |
Non-contact Atomic Force Spectroscopy using Field Ion Microscope characterized Tips — •Jens Falter, Daniel-Alexander Braun, Udo Schwarz, Hendrik Hölscher, André Schirmeisen, and Harald Fuchs
18:30 |
O 27.14 |
Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy at the [110]-[110] Cleaved Edge of GaAs — S. Siewers, M. Wenderoth, L. Winking, •P. Kloth, and R. G. Ulbrich
18:30 |
O 27.15 |
Frictional properties of a mesoscopic contact with engineered surface roughness — •Johannes Sondhauß, Harald Fuchs, and André Schirmeisen
18:30 |
O 27.16 |
SFM manipulation techniques applied to graphene — •Stefan Eilers, Tobias Liebig, and Jürgen P. Rabe
18:30 |
O 27.17 |
Development of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope for measurements below 100mK — •Maximilian Assig, Fabian Zinser, Wolfgang Stiepany, Andreas Koch, Peter Andler, Christian R. Ast, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 27.18 |
Eddy current microscopy — •Benedict Kleine Bußmann, Tino Roll, Marion Meier, and Marika Schleberger
18:30 |
O 27.19 |
Detecting resonant modes of plasmon-polaritons and phonon-polaritons using a NSThM — •David Hellmann, Achim Kittel, and Uli F. Wischnath
18:30 |
O 27.20 |
Near-field Scanning Thermal Microscope: From temperature to heat flow — •Ludwig Worbes, Uli F. Wischnath, and Achim Kittel
18:30 |
O 27.21 |
A Novel Scanning Tunneling Potentiometry Setup with Microvolt Resolution — •T. Druga, M. Wenderoth, M. A. Schneider, and R. G. Ulbrich
18:30 |
O 27.22 |
Studies towards Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering with Scanning Capability — •Seth White, Moritz Brendel, Peter Lemmens, Dietrich Wulferding, and Vladimir Gnezdilov
18:30 |
O 27.23 |
Mechanical and electronic characterization of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes by scanning probe microscopy — •Martin Bohrisch, Florian Szillat, Philipp Zeigermann, Hans Kleemann, and Bernd Schröter
18:30 |
O 27.24 |
New scan mode for the NSThM — •Lars Hoelzel, Uli F. Wischnath, and Achim Kittel
18:30 |
O 27.25 |
Infrared antennas for near-field microscopy and enhanced near-field spectroscopy — •Thomas Taubner, Mark Brongersma, and Jon Schuller
18:30 |
O 27.26 |
Ab initio investigation of the LiNbO3(0001) surface — •Simone Sanna, Alexander V. Gavrilenko, and Wolf Gero Schmidt
18:30 |
O 27.27 |
Auger spectroscopy of the ion neutralization at epitaxial transition metal surfaces — •Christian Tusche and Jürgen Kirschner
18:30 |
O 27.28 |
Ar gas discharge lamp with heated LiF window: A monochromatized light source for photoemission — Michael Budke, •Alexander Wittkowski, and Markus Donath
18:30 |
O 27.29 |
High-resolution electron gun for inverse photoemission — •Anna Zumbülte, Thomas Saerbeck, and Markus Donath
18:30 |
O 27.30 |
Simulation of photoelectron diffraction at high kinetic energies — •Aimo Winkelmann, Charles S. Fadley, and Javier Garcia de Abajo
18:30 |
O 27.31 |
(SP)VLEED: A spin-polarized very-low-energy electron-diffraction experiment — •Kathrin Wulff, Ulrich Burgbacher, Anke B. Schmidt, and Markus Donath
18:30 |
O 27.32 |
Liquid Interface Scattering Apparatus (LISA) for Petra III: Stability and Characterization — •Christian Koops, Bridget Murphy, Matthias Greve, Annika Elsen, Jochim Stettner, Oliver Seeck, and Olaf Magnussen
18:30 |
O 27.33 |
Liquid Interfaces Scattering Apparatus (LISA) for PETRA III: Design and Modelling — •Benjamin Runge, Bridget Murphy, Matthias Greve, Annika Elsen, Jochim Stettner, Oliver Seeck, and Olaf Magnussen
18:30 |
O 27.34 |
Coverage dependence of capture numbers in kinetic thin film growth and its impact on island size distributions — •Martin Körner, Mario Einax, and Philipp Maass
18:30 |
O 27.35 |
A High-Dimensional Neural Network Potential-Energy Surface for Zinc Oxide — •Nongnuch Artrith, Marcus Maschke, and Jörg Behler
18:30 |
O 27.36 |
The cross-linked (1×2) surface reconstruction of rutile TiO2 (110) — •Hans Hermann Pieper, Stephan Bahr, Stefan Torbrügge, and Michael Reichling
18:30 |
O 27.37 |
Acrolein decomposition on cerium-oxide model-catalysts: Correlation between structure and reactivity — •Jan Markus Essen, Conrad Becker, and Klaus Wandelt
18:30 |
O 27.38 |
Correlation between structural and optical properties of PTCDA monolayers on NaCl/Ag(100) — •Mathias Müller, Eric Le Moal, Oliver Bauer, and Moritz Sokolowski
18:30 |
O 27.39 |
The local adsorption structure of glycine on TiO2(110) — T J Lerotholi, W Unterberger, E A Kröger, M Knight, D J Jackson, •D Kreikemeyer Lorenzo, K Hogan, C Lamont, and D P Woodruff
18:30 |
O 27.40 |
DFT study of TMA on Rutile TiO2(110) — •Andreas Greuling, Philipp Rahe, and Michael Rohlfing
18:30 |
O 27.41 |
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Phthalocyanine Molecules on Insulating Films — •Christof Uhlmann, Maurice Ziola, Niko Pavliček, Tobias Sonnleitner, Gerhard Meyer, and Jascha Repp
18:30 |
O 27.42 |
Investigation of the adsorption of CO and simple alcohols on the Rutile(110) surface with He atom scattering and spectroscopic methods — •David Silber, Martin Kunat, Franziska Traeger, Hengshan Qui, Yuemin Wang, Christof Wöll, Piotr Kowalski, Bernd Meyer, and Christof Hättig
18:30 |
O 27.43 |
Preparation and Investigation of one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures using the CVD process — •Patricia Thomasen, Yong Lei, and Gerhard Wilde
18:30 |
O 27.44 |
The growth of ultrathin Praseodymia films on passivated highly boron-doped Si(111) surfaces — •Sebastian Gevers, Daniel Bruns, Florian Bertram, Timo Kuschel, Martin Suendorf, Lars Boewer, Christian Sternemann, Michael Paulus, and Joachim Wollschläger
18:30 |
O 27.45 |
The growth of ultrathin Praseodymia films on passivated highly boron-doped Si(111) surfaces — •Sebastian Gevers, Daniel Bruns, Florian Bertram, Timo Kuschel, Martin Suendorf, Lars Boewer, Christian Sternemann, Michael Paulus, and Joachim Wollschlaeger
18:30 |
O 27.46 |
Epitaxial Europiumoxide on Ni(100) — •Daniel F. Foerster, Jürgen Klinkhammer, Carsten Busse, and Thomas Michely
18:30 |
O 27.47 |
Structure and morphology of epitaxial manganese oxide films on Ag(001) — •Klaus Meinel, Michael Huth, Sebastian Polzin, Konrad Gillmeister, and Wolf Widdra
18:30 |
O 27.48 |
STM study of the structure and morphology of TiO2 thin films epitaxially grown on Re(1010) — •Sebastian Schwede, Susanne Schubert, Wilhelmine Kudernatsch, and Klaus Christmann
18:30 |
O 27.49 |
Vanadium oxide films on W(110) and on natively oxidized Si: flat and nanostructured model catalysts — •Benjamin Borkenhagen, Jöran Bauchrowitz, Gerhard Lilienkamp, and Winfried Daum
18:30 |
O 27.50 |
SPA-LEED investigations on highly boron-doped Si(111) Surfaces after annealing in UHV — •Daniel Bruns, Sebastian Gevers, Timo Kuschel, Florian Bertram, Martin Suendorf, Thomas Weisemoeller, Gregor Steinhoff, and Joachim Wollschlaeger
18:30 |
O 27.51 |
Decomposition of the Si(111)-2×1 Surface Reconstruction at Room Temperature: an STM Study — •Thomas K. A. Spaeth, Martin Wenderoth, Karolin Löser, Jens K. Garleff, and Rainer G. Ulbrich
18:30 |
O 27.52 |
Direct measurement of surface stress anisotropy on Si(100) surfaces by means of SSIOD and homoepitaxial growth — •Friedrich Klasing and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
18:30 |
O 27.53 |
Surface Characterisation of GaSb-films grown by MOCVD — •Andreas Seemayer, Alexander Hommes, Sascha Hümann, Dirk Vogel, Stephan Schulz, and Klaus Wandelt
18:30 |
O 27.54 |
The influence of diffusion anisotropy and strain on Ag nanowire formation on flat and vicinal Si(001) — •Dirk Wall, Simon Sindermann, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, and Frank-Joachim Meyer zu Heringdorf
18:30 |
O 27.55 |
Metal induced faceting of Si (112) — •Tobias Nabbefeld, Christian Wiethoff, Frank-Joachim Meyer zu Heringdorf, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
18:30 |
O 27.56 |
2D electrical conductivity in the Bi(111) surface state — •Hichem Hattab, Giriraj Jnawali, Thorsten Wagner, Rolf Möller, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
18:30 |
O 27.57 |
Angle-resolved inverse photoemission of the H-etched 6H-SiC(0001) surface — •Nabi Aghdassi, Ralf Ostendorf, and Helmut Zacharias
18:30 |
O 27.58 |
Preparation and Characterization of Gold Micro-Crystals on an artificial SiO2-Layer on Silicon — Jawad Slieh, •Andreas Winter, Armin Brechling, Wiebke Hachmann, and Ulrich Heinzmann
18:30 |
O 27.59 |
FTIR-Spectroscopy of MOCVD-Prepared Silicon (100) — •Peter Kleinschmidt, Anja Dobrich, Henning Döscher, Sebastian Brückner, Christian Höhn, and Thomas Hannappel
18:30 |
O 27.60 |
In-situ RAS analysis of homo- and hetero-epitaxial GaP(100) surfaces grown by MOVPE — •Henning Döscher, Sebastian Brückner, and Thomas Hannappel
18:30 |
O 27.61 |
Comparision on the local adsorption of cyclopentene and benzene on Si(100) — •Daniel Weier, Tobias Lühr, Axel Beimborn, Anja Wadewitz, and Carsten Westphal
18:30 |
O 27.62 |
Band bending via H2O adsorption on titanium dichalcogenide surfaces — •Stephan Thürmer, Alexander Paulheim, Lenart Dudy, Beate Müller, Hendrik Vita, Christoph Janowitz, and Recardo Manzke
18:30 |
O 27.63 |
A spectroscopy study of water adsorption on diamond surfaces — •Simon Quartus Lud, Dominique Verreault, Patrick Koelsch, Martin Huth, Bert Nickel, Hendrik Bluhm, John Newberg, Martin Stutzmann, and Jose Antonio Garrido
18:30 |
O 27.64 |
HR-EELS and STM study of organic molecules on Si(001) — •Bochra Boughaled Ellakhmissi and Ulrich Köhler
18:30 |
O 27.65 |
Investigation of antenna resonances for SERS in the near infrared — •Daniel Weber, Frank Neubrech, Christina Bauer, Annemarie Pucci, and Harald Giessen
18:30 |
O 27.66 |
attosecond technology towards combining ultrahigh spatiotemporal resolution * nanoplasmonic optical field microscopy — •jingquan lin, adrian wirth, soo chew, nils weber, michael merkel, matthias kling, mark stockman, ferenc krausz, and ulf kleineberg
18:30 |
O 27.67 |
Near Field Distribution of Nanostructures with Electromagnetic Coupling — •Pascal Melchior, Martin Rohmer, Christian Schneider, Daniela Bayer, Alexander Fischer, Mirko Cinchetti, Daniel Benner, Johannes Boneberg, Paul Leiderer, and Martin Aeschlimann
18:30 |
O 27.68 |
Coupling of Single NV-Centres to Surface Plasmons — •Merle Becker, Bernhard Grotz, Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian, Roman Kolesov, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
18:30 |
O 27.69 |
Time-Resolved Near-Field Microscopy of Acoustic Vibrations — •Thorsten Schumacher, Markus Lippitz, Ralf Vogelgesang, Jens Dorfmüller, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 27.70 |
Analysis Tools for Time-Resolved Two-Photon Photoelectron Microscopy of Excitations in Metal Nanostructures — Martin Aeschlimann, Michael Bauer, Daniela Bayer, Tobias Brixner, Stefan Cunovic, Frank Dimler, Alexander Fischer, Walter Pfeiffer, Martin Rohmer, Christian Schneider, Felix Steeb, •Christian Strüber, and Dmitri V. Voronine
18:30 |
O 27.71 |
3D-Nanofocusing through the superposition of dipole radiation from second-harmonic emitters — •Philipp Reichenbach, Phillip Olk, and Lukas Eng
18:30 |
O 27.72 |
Evaluation of near-field enhanced Raman spectroscopy on industrial silicon structures — •Benjamin Uhlig, Jens-Hendrik Zollondz, Martin Haberjahn, Peter Kücher, and Lukas M. Eng
18:30 |
O 27.73 |
Calculation of optical near and far fields at metal-semiconductor hybrids — •Patrick Scholz, Stephan Schwieger, David Leipold, and Erich Runge
18:30 |
O 27.74 |
Time- and energy resolved photoelectron emission microscopy on micro- and nanostructured samples — •Christian Schneider, Martin Rohmer, Daniela Bayer, Pascal Melchior, and Martin Aeschlimann
18:30 |
O 27.75 |
Tip-Enhanced Optical Microscopy of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes — •Carsten Georgi, Miriam Böhmler, Huihong Qian, Lukas Novotny, and Achim Hartschuh
18:30 |
O 27.76 |
Metamaterial Bragg-Stacks — •Ralf Ameling and Harald Giessen
18:30 |
O 27.77 |
Metamaterial Biosensors — •Martin Mesch, Zhaolu Diao, Na Liu, and Harald Giessen
18:30 |
O 27.78 |
New designs of scanning nearfield optical microscopy probes for the time resolved investigation of nanostructures — •Marc Salomo, Bernhard Schaaf, Daniela Bayer, Martin Aeschlimann, and Egbert Oesterschulze
18:30 |
O 27.79 |
Spectroscopy of superconducting V3Si(001) in tunneling and contact regime — Nadine Hauptmann, •Michael Becker, Jörg Kröger, and Richard Berndt
18:30 |
O 27.80 |
Controlling the Kondo Effect in CoCun Clusters Atom by Atom — Nicolas Néel, •Jörg Kröger, Richard Berndt, Tim Wehling, Alexander Lichtenstein, and Mikhail Katsnelson
18:30 |
O 27.81 |
Thin epitaxial Bi(111) films on Si(111) studied by ARPES — •Holger Schwab, Hendrik Bentmann, Frank Forster, Luca Moreschini, Marco Grioni, and Friedrich Reinert
18:30 |
O 27.82 |
Spin-resolved inverse photoemission experiments on Ni/GaAs(001) — •Christian Eibl, André Berken, Manuel Prätorius, Anke B. Schmidt, and Markus Donath
18:30 |
O 27.83 |
Comparison of angular resolved photoemission on Pt(110) with DFT bulk band calculations — •Alexander Menzel, Christian Braun, Peter Amann, and Erminald Bertel
18:30 |
O 27.84 |
Electronic fine structures of perfluoropentacene films by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy — •Shunsuke Hosoumi, Shinichi Nagamatsu, Satoshi Kera, and Nobuo Ueno
18:30 |
O 27.85 |
Tunneling Spectroscopy of nanoporous networks - comparison of experiment and modelization — •Wolfgang Krenner, Dirk Kühne, Florian Klappenberger, Iñaki Silanes, Andres Arnau, Javier García de Abajo, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Mario Ruben, and Johannes Barth
18:30 |
O 27.86 |
Implementation of the HSE functional in the FLAPW method — •Martin Schlipf, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
18:30 |
O 27.87 |
In situ Epitaxy and Catalysis at the High Resolution Diffraction Beamline at PETRA III — •Carsten Deiter and Oliver H. Seeck
18:30 |
O 27.88 |
Improved determination of the IMFP by extracting the optimum loss function from EELS — •Tina Graber, Frank Forster, Achim Schöll, and Friedrich Reinert
18:30 |
O 27.89 |
Soft x-ray standing wave excited photoemission experiments on Si/MoSi2 multilayer mirrors — •Frank Schönbohm, Sven Döring, Daniel Weier, Ulf Berges, Felix Lehmkühler, Charles S. Fadley, and Carsten Westphal
18:30 |
O 27.90 |
Prozessoptimierung der Sputterstrategie von fokussierten Bi-Ionenstrahlen mit Standard ”Focused Ion Beam - FIB” Anlagen. — •Rüdiger Schott, Paul Mazarov, Rolf Wernhardt und Andreas D. Wieck
18:30 |
O 27.91 |
Vielkanal-Spindetektion von niederenergetischen Elektronen — •Michaela Hahn, Pavel Lushchyk, Gerd Schönhense, Andreas Oelsner, Daniel Panzer, Alexander Krasyuk und Jürgen Kirschner
18:30 |
O 27.92 |
Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition and in-situ Analysis of Functional Molecules — •Zhitao Deng, Nicha Thontasen, Christian Michaelis, Nikola Malinowski, Stephan Rauschenbach, and Klaus Kern
18:30 |
O 27.93 |
High resolution positron annihilation induced Auger spectroscopy on copper — •Jakob Mayer, Klaus Schreckenbach, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
18:30 |
O 27.94 |
Reconstruction of surface morphology from coherent scattering of white x-ray radiation — •Tushar Sant and Ullrich Pietsch
18:30 |
O 27.95 |
Unifit 2009 - Spectrum Processing, Analysis and Presentation Software for Photoelectron Spectra — •Ronald Hesse, Peter Streubel, Rüdiger Szargan, and Reinhard Denecke
18:30 |
O 27.96 |
Surface sturcutre of inorganic salt solutions — •Tobias Hammer, Manuela Reichelt, and Harald Morgner
18:30 |
O 27.97 |
Surface Structure of Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids — •Manuela Reichelt, Tobias Hammer, and Harald Morgner
18:30 |
O 27.98 |
Surface Structure of Imidazolium Based Ionic Liquids — •Manuela Reichelt, Tobias Hammer, and Harald Morgner
18:30 |
O 27.99 |
Graphene-protected iron layer on Ni(111) — •Yuriy Dedkov, Mikhail Fonin, Ulrich Rüdiger, and Clemens Laubschat
18:30 |
O 27.100 |
STM growth study of epitaxial graphene on SiC(0001) — •Anne Majerus, Viktor Geringer, Sven Runte, Marcus Liebmann, and Markus Morgenstern
18:30 |
O 27.101 |
How does graphene grow? Easy access to well-ordered graphene monolayers — •Frank Müller, Hermann Sachdev, Stefan Hüfner, Andrew J. Pollard, Edward W. Perkins, James C. Russell, Peter H. Beton, Stefan Gsell, Matthias Schreck, and Bernd Stritzker
18:30 |
O 27.102 |
Low-temperature elastic and inelastic Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy on monolayer graphene on SiC — •Carsten Tröppner, Norbert Maurer, Florian Speck, Thomas Seyller, and M. Alexander Schneider
18:30 |
O 27.103 |
Comparative study of graphene films on two hexagonal SiC surfaces produced in different environments — •K.V. Emtsev, T. Ohta, Th. Seyller, L. Ley, A. Bostwick, K. Horn, G. Kellog, J.L. McChesney, E. Rotenberg, and A.K. Schmid
18:30 |
O 27.104 |
Preparation and investigation of graphene on Rh(111) — •Ole Zander, Mikhail Fonin, Sönke Voss, Ulrich Rüdiger, and Yuri S. Dedkov
18:30 |
O 27.105 |
Atomic Layer Deposition of Aluminum Oxide Films on Graphite and Graphene — •Florian Speck, Markus Ostler, Jonas Röhrl, Konstantin V. Emtsev, Lothar Ley, and Thomas Seyller
18:30 |
O 27.106 |
Spin dependent surface barrier resonance studied by spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy — Yu Zhang, Jacek Prokop, Ioan Tudosa, Wen Xin Tang, •Thiago R. F. Peixoto, Khalil Zakeri, and Jürgen Kirschner
18:30 |
O 27.107 |
Magnetism of Rh nano-structures on inert Xe buffer layers and in contact with Ag(100) surfaces — •violetta sessi, jian zhang, klaus kuhnke, carsten tieg, axel enders, jan honolka, and klaus kern
18:30 |
O 27.108 |
n-Alkanes in Tubular Nanochannels: Phase Transition Behaviour and Capillary Filling — •Daniel Rau, Patrick Huber, and Oskar Paris
18:30 |
O 27.109 |
The Limits of Nanomechanical Applications of Shape Memory Alloys: An Optical Approach — •Andreas Kolloch, Johannes Boneberg, and Paul Leiderer
18:30 |
O 27.110 |
Time-resolved spectroscopy beyond optical wavelengths — Robert Carley, •Kristian Döbrich, Cornelius Gahl, Martin Teichmann, Kai Godehusen, Olaf Schwarzkopf, Philippe Wernet, Frank Noack, and Martin Weinelt
18:30 |
O 27.111 |
Femtosecond electron dynamics in atomic wires: Si(557)-Au — •Kerstin Biedermann, Tilman K. Rügheimer, Thomas Fauster, and Franz J. Himpsel
18:30 |
O 27.112 |
Themis1000 - A new analyzer for three dimensional measurements — •Jens Kopprasch, Martin Teichmann, Oliver Schaff, Sven Mähl, and Martin Weinelt
18:30 |
O 27.113 |
Time-, energy- and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of surface dynamics using femtosecond XUV pulses — •Frederik Deicke, Stefan Mathias, Andreas Ruffing, Luis Miaja-Avila, Margaret Murnana, Henry Kapteyn, Michael Bauer, and Martin Aeschlimann
18:30 |
O 27.114 |
Space Charge Effects in the Photoemission Electron Microscope — •Jan Göhre, Niemma M. Buckanie, Ping Zhou, Dietrich von der Linde, Michael Horn-von Hoegen, and Frank-J. Meyer zu Heringdorf
18:30 |
O 27.115 |
Time resolved core level photoelectron spectroscopy for investigation of femto- and picosecond dynamics of iodophenylphenol monolayers on silicon — •Martin Michelswirth, Hatem Dachraoui, Christian Schäfer, Björn Schnatwinkel, Walter Pfeiffer, Markus Drescher, Jochen Mattay, and Ulrich Heinzmann
18:30 |
O 27.116 |
Performance of the XUV split-and-delay line at the free-electron laser in Hamburg — •Florian Sorgenfrei, Torben Beeck, Martin Beye, Alexander Föhlisch, Mitsuru Nagasono, Bill Schlotter, and Wilfried Wurth
18:30 |
O 27.117 |
Ultrafast Excitation and Deexcitation Dynamics of Adsorbates on Si-Surfaces: A Time Resolved Electron Diffraction Study — •Simone Möllenbeck, Anja Hanisch-Blicharski, Tobias Pelka, Paul Schneider, Martin Kammler, Boris Krenzer, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
18:30 |
O 27.118 |
The cooling process on a picosecond timescale: from bulk to monolayer — Anja Hanisch-Blicharski, •Simone Möllenbeck, Tobias Pelka, Paul Schneider, Martin Kammler, Boris Krenzer, and Michael Horn-von Hoegen
18:30 |
O 27.119 |
Nanosecond time-resolved measurements of acoustic waves — •Fabian Kneier, Tobias Geldhauser, Johannes Boneberg, and Paul Leiderer
18:30 |
O 27.120 |
Dynamics of electron transport at the PTCDA/Ag(111)-interface studied with time-resolved 2PPE — •Christian Schwalb, Sönke Sachs, Manuel B. Marks, Achim Schöll, Eberhard Umbach, and Ulrich Höfer
18:30 |
O 27.121 |
Momentum-Resolved Dynamics of Electrons in Image-Potential States on Ag(111) and Cu(111) — •A. Damm, K. Schubert, S.V. Eremeev, A.G. Borisov, E.V. Chulkov, P.M. Echenique, J. Güdde, and U. Höfer
18:30 |
O 27.122 |
Non-perturbative approach to photoemission by direct simulation of photo-currents — •Henning Husser, Jan van Heys, and Eckhard Pehlke