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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik

O 27: Poster Session I (Methods: Scanning probe techniques; Methods: Atomic and electronic structure; Methods: Molecular simulations and statistical mechanics; Oxides and Insulators: Clean surfaces; Oxides and Insulators: Adsorption; Oxides and Insulators: Epitaxy and growth; Semiconductor substrates: Clean surfaces; Semiconductor substrates: Epitaxy and growth; Semiconductor substrates: Adsorption; Nano- optics of metallic and semiconducting nanostructures; Electronic structure; Methods: Electronic structure theory; Methods: other (experimental); Methods: other (theory); Solutions on surfaces; Epitaxial Graphene; Surface oder interface magnetism; Phase transitions; Time-resolved spectroscopies)

O 27.115: Poster

Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 18:30–21:00, P2

Time resolved core level photoelectron spectroscopy for investigation of femto- and picosecond dynamics of iodophenylphenol monolayers on silicon — •Martin Michelswirth1, Hatem Dachraoui1, Christian Schäfer2, Björn Schnatwinkel2, Walter Pfeiffer1, Markus Drescher3, Jochen Mattay2, and Ulrich Heinzmann11Molecular and Surface Physics, Bielefeld University — 2Organic Chemistry (OC I), Bielefeld University — 3Ultrafast X-ray Physics, Hamburg University

The photoinduced dynamics of iodophenylphenol adsorbed on silicon were investigated by use of time-resolved UV pump (266 nm)-EUV probe (95 eV) photoemission spectroscopy. The EUV probe pulses were produced by high harmonic generation (HHG). Picosecond and femtosecond dynamic changes of the iodine 4d core level spectra were observed in the pump probe experiment. Because of the localized character of core level spectra the observed dynamics can be directly related to electronic or binding environment changes of the C-I bond. The presented results demonstrate that time-resolved core level spectroscopy provides valuable information about photoinduced intra- and inter molecular dynamics in a complex molecular system environment.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2009 > Dresden