10:30 |
SYOP 5.1 |
Characterization of electroactive polymers and block copolymers with potential application in organic solar cells — •Sabine Ludwigs
10:45 |
SYOP 5.2 |
Bipolar substituted spiro-bifluorenes for organic solar cells? — •Cornelia M. Brendel, Fernando Dias, Andy P. Monkman, and Josef Salbeck
11:00 |
SYOP 5.3 |
Tuning the ionization energy of organic-semiconductor films: The role of intramolecular polar bonds — •Ingo Salzmann, Steffen Duhm, Georg Heimel, Martin Oehzelt, Rolf Kniprath, Robert L. Johnson, Jürgen P. Rabe, and Norbert Koch
11:15 |
SYOP 5.4 |
Textile electrodes as substrates in the electrochemical growth of porous ZnO for application in dye-sensitized solar cells — •Thomas Loewenstein, Markus Mingebach, Melanie Rudolph, Kerstin Strauch, Yvonne Zimmermann, Andreas Neudeck, and Derck Schlettwein
11:30 |
SYOP 5.5 |
Doping of organic absorbers for application in solar cells — •Corinna Hein, Eric Mankel, Thomas Mayer, and Wolfram Jaegermann
11:45 |
SYOP 5.6 |
LEEM and X-PEEM investigations of diindenoperylene on Au(100) — •Maria Benedetta Casu, Britt-Elfriede Schuster, Tevfik Onur Menteş, Miguel Angel Nino, Andrea Locatelli, and Thomas Chassè
12:00 |
SYOP 5.7 |
Growth of metal thin films on conductive polymer surfaces — •Gunar Kaune, Matthias A. Ruderer, Ezzeldin Metwalli, Robert Meier, Weinan Wang, Sebastien Couet, Kai Schlage, Stephan V. Roth und Peter Müller-Buschbaum
12:15 |
SYOP 5.8 |
Growth and morphology of photoactive small organic molecules on device-relevant substrates — •Jonathan Heidkamp, Ayse Turak, Felix Maye, and Helmut Dosch
12:30 |
SYOP 5.9 |
Excitons in Conjugated Polymers - Do we need a Paradigma Change — •Wichard J. D. Beenken
12:45 |
SYOP 5.10 |
The nature of charge transfer excitons in conjugated polymer-fullerene blends — •Ilka Kriegel, Enrico Da Como, Markus Hallermann, Stephan Haneder, and Jochen Feldmann
13:00 |
SYOP 5.11 |
Electronic properties of pristine FePc and CoPc thin films: experiment and calculations — Olga Molodtsova, Martin Knupfer, Volodymyr Maslyuk, Yurii Ossipyan, Alexander Chaika, Thomas Bredow, Ingrid Mertig, and •Victor Aristov