17:30 |
SYSO 3.1 |
Controlling Structural Properties of Self-Assembled Oligonucleotide - Mercaptohexanol Monolayers — •Kurt Kummer, Alfred Kick, Martin Bönsch, Denis Vyalikh, Michael Mertig, and Serguei Molodtsov
17:30 |
SYSO 3.2 |
Chemical reactivity at surfaces induced by self organisation in ultrathin PEO films — •Evelyn Meyer and Braun Hans-Georg
17:30 |
SYSO 3.3 |
Self-organisation and orientation of 1-Palmitoyl-2-Oleoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholin (POPC) at the surface of hydroxypropionitrile — •Hartwig Pohl, Thomas Krebs, Stefan Kreysler, and Harald Morgner
17:30 |
SYSO 3.4 |
Dynamics of a drop on oscillated substrate: the role of contact line hysteresis — •Irina S. Fayzrakhmanova and Arthur V. Straube
17:30 |
SYSO 3.5 |
Observation of prewetting transitions at surfactant-laden liquid-crystal/water interfaces — •Christian Bahr
17:30 |
SYSO 3.6 |
Dewetting of colloidal solutions: Kinetic Monte Carlo model vs. Dynamical Density Functional Theory — Ioan Vancea, Mark Robbins, Andrew Archer, •Uwe Thiele, Andrew Stannard, Emmanuelle Pauliac-Vaujour, Christopher Martin, Matthew Blunt, and Philip Moriarty
17:30 |
SYSO 3.7 |
Thin Film Model for Evaporating Colloidal Suspensions — •Lubor Frastia, Andrew J. Archer, and Uwe Thiele
17:30 |
SYSO 3.8 |
Polymer brushes as self-organized surfaces — •Jens-Uwe Sommer, Holger Merlitz, and Gui-Li He
17:30 |
SYSO 3.9 |
Viscosity and density at the polymer-solid interface — •E.Tilo Hoppe, Alexandra Münzer, and Christine M. Papadakis
17:30 |
SYSO 3.10 |
Multiscale study of crystallization in diblock copolymer thin films at different supercooling — •Christine M. Papadakis, Charles Darko, Ezz Metwalli, Ioan Botiz, Günter Reiter, Dag W. Breiby, Jens W. Andreasen, Stephan V. Roth, and Detlef-M. Smilgies
17:30 |
SYSO 3.11 |
Breakout crystallization in cylinder-forming diblock copolymer thin films — •Christine M. Papadakis, Charles Darko, Kordelia Troll, Zhenyu Di, Stephan Förster, Detlef-M. Smilgies, and Andreas Timmann
17:30 |
SYSO 3.12 |
Formation of lateral structures in thin diblock copolymer films by vapor treatment — •Christine M. Papadakis, Peter Černoch, Petr Štěpánek, Detlef-M. Smilgies, and Stephan V. Roth
17:30 |
SYSO 3.13 |
Influence of Polymers on polarizability and structure of microemulsion droplets — •Robert Wipf, Sebastian Jaksch, Bernd Stühn, and Björn Kuttich
17:30 |
SYSO 3.14 |
17:30 |
SYSO 3.15 |
Probing electronic states of double layered molecules in a STM junction — •Francesca Matino, Guillaume Schull, Marco Knutzen, Sandro Gabutti, Markus Neuburger, Marcel Mayor, and Richard Berndt
17:30 |
SYSO 3.16 |
Growth kinetics of oligo-ethylene glycol thiols on Au-surfaces - Real-time IR studies under aqueous conditions — •Stefan Zorn, Nathan Martin, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
17:30 |
SYSO 3.17 |
Nano-Diamantdrähte: Fabrikation und Charakterisierung für Anwendungen in der Elektrochemie — •Waldemar Smirnov, Armin Kriele, Marco Wolfer und Christoph E. Nebel
17:30 |
SYSO 3.18 |
Probing the elastic properties of individual nanostructures by combining in-situ AFM and micro X-ray Diffraction — •Till H. Metzger, Thomas Scheler, Thomas Cornelius, Rogerio Paniago, Mario Rodrigues, Crsitian Mocuta, Angelo Malachias, Joel Chevrier, and Fabio Comin
17:30 |
SYSO 3.19 |
Influence of molecule adsorption on the surface electric fields of GaAs(001)c(4x4) and (2x4) — •T. Bruhn, R. Passmann, B.O. Fimland, M. Kneissl, N. Esser, and P. Vogt
17:30 |
SYSO 3.20 |
Molecular arrangement of self-assembled Metal-Phthalocyanine on GaAs(001) — •L. Riele, R. Passmann, V. Rackwitz, T. Bruhn, B.-O. Fimland, M. Kneissl, N. Esser, and P. Vogt
17:30 |
SYSO 3.21 |
Infrared studies of Pb nanowires on silicon vicinal surfaces — •Chung Hoang, Robert Lovrincic, Markus Klevenz, Frank Neubrech, and Annemarie Pucci
17:30 |
SYSO 3.22 |
Towards a molecularly thin Ferroelectric-OFET: surface modification of ferroelectric PZT films mediated through functionalized thiophene derivatives — •Kinga Haubner, Peter Milde, Evelin Jaehne, Denny Koehler, Ulrich Zerweck, and Lukas Eng
17:30 |
SYSO 3.23 |
Sputter Deposition of Aluminium on Colloidal Polymer Templates — •Rainer Gehrke, Gerd Herzog, Adeline Buffet, Sebastien Couet, Kai Schlage, Gunar Kaune, Volker Körstgens, Robert Meier, Ezzeldin Metwalli, Stephan V. Roth, Ralf Röhlsberger, Wilfried Wurth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
17:30 |
SYSO 3.24 |
DFT-study of the adsorption of organic molecules on low-index titanium dioxide surfaces — Regina Luschtinetz, Andrey N. Enyashin, Theodor Milek, Johannes Frenzel, •Sibylle Gemming, and Gotthard Seifert
17:30 |
SYSO 3.25 |
Feedback effect on the self-organized structures formation upon femtosecond laser ablation — •Olga Varlamova and Juergen Reif
17:30 |
SYSO 3.26 |
Systematical Structural Investigation of Self-Assembled Monolayers formed from Dithiolanes on Gold (111) — •Xia Stammer, Asif Bashir, Christian Hülsbusch, Martin Kind, and Christof Wöll